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Board of Education Meeting Dates 2024 – 2025

Meetings are held in the Bradley Elementary Library at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted.

  • March 18 – Hughes Elementary School
  • April 15
  • April 29 – Special Meeting
  • May 13
  • June 17

Meeting Agendas

Meetings of the Board of Education follow a prepared agenda. The next meeting’s meeting agenda is published before the meeting on BoardDocs.

The Board conducts official actions on items contained in the agenda at each meeting.

The Board may receive an education program and information reports on which no action is taken.

The Board also meets in executive sessions to discuss personnel matters, labor negotiations, and other matters which are of a confidential nature as defined by the Open Meeting Law of the State of New York and which are closed to the public. As a general rule, discussion and changes relating to the competence or personal conduct of individuals should be ruled out of order at public Board meetings. They may be referred to the Superintendent or appropriate school administrator for investigation, review, and possible solution prior to any board action.

An executive session should be used to review the concern and substance of the complaint and to determine a resolution.

Meeting Minutes

The New Hartford Board of Education meeting minutes are published on BoardDocs after each Board Meeting.

If you would like a summary from a meeting not listed on BoardDocs, please contact the Records Access Officer: (315) 624-1218.

Public Participation

Public involvement in the control of public education is one of the cornerstones of a free society. The people exercise that control through their elected Board of Education. Your continued interest and support will guarantee the excellence of our schools.

The Board is interested in the opinions and viewpoints of all residents and employees. Individuals or groups wishing to make a presentation to the Board of Education should contact the Board President or Superintendent prior to the meeting.

A portion of each agenda is set aside for recognition of visitors and delegations to allow residents to express their opinions on matters to be considered by the Board.

Complaints about items or individuals should be first addressed through school channels. Citizens who make a presentation to the Board are encouraged to provide written information if appropriate. The District will provide for replication of materials for Board members.

Speakers are requested to state their name and address and identify the organization, if any, they represent. In order to allow meaningful discussion by the Board on agenda items and to accomplish the business of the District, the by-laws permit a time limit of 3 minutes per speaker. Any comment regarding personnel should be directed to the Superintendent at a time other than the Board meeting.