The varsity wrestling match vs. RFA (Senior Night) on Jan. 29 at New Hartford High School has been postponed.

Home » Board of Education » Board of Education Overview

Board of Education Overview

Responsibility and Authority | Philosophy | District Goals | If you have a question

Responsibility and Authority of the Board of Education  

The New Hartford Board of Education is made up of seven (7) unsalaried citizens elected to serve overlapping terms of five (5) years each. New York State law does not limit the number of terms a Board member may serve. The Board’s powers and duties are derived from the State Constitution, the laws of New York state and the regulations or rulings of the New York State Commissioner of Education.

The Board of Education’s main areas of responsibility are to:

  • Establish district policies
  • Develop an annual budget for public approval
  • Approve/disapprove the Superintendent’s recommendations on personnel matters and contracts
  • Review courses of study and textbooks

No person or group of persons acts in the name of the Board.

All motions require a majority vote before the Board can act.

A Board member is in an official capacity only during an official Board meeting.

The Board employs a superintendent as the chief executive officer of the school district.

The superintendent is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the district and administration of Board policies, programs and plans for Board action.


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View the complete Board Policy 0010 PHILOSOPHY OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION on BoardDocs®.

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District Goals

Goal Setting:

The Board recognizes the value of goal setting for school improvement. Therefore, the Board, in consultation with the superintendent, shall assess districtwide needs and concerns, and translate such priorities into achievable goals.

Once the districtwide goals are established, the superintendent and administrative staff shall develop an action plan and timetable to facilitate successful progress towards and/ or completion of goals to be approved by the Board of Education. Goals will be monitored and adjusted, as necessary.

Goal Categories:

  1. Student Achievement
  2. Fiscal Responsibility
  3. Community Relations
  4. Technology

Goal Area #1: Student Achievement

District Goal #1:

New Hartford is committed to the success of all students by upholding the tradition of high academic standards and providing a safe learning environment with a wide range of academic programs and athletic/ extra-curricular opportunities that prepare each student to be college and career ready and challenges and inspires the student to reach his/ her fullest potential.

Goal Area #2: Fiscal Responsibility

District Goal #2:

New Hartford will provide an educationally sound and fiscally responsible budget that fulfills the mission of the district, increases efficiencies, evaluates and promotes quality programs to advance student achievement and ensures strong community support of our schools.

Goal Area #3: Community Relations

District Goal #3:

New Hartford ensures the safety of our schools and promotes an open and transparent community relationship that supports high levels of collaboration, and communication including decision-making processes that maintains public trust, promotes awareness and provides opportunities for community and parent involvement.

Goal Area #4: Technology

Goal Statement # 4:

New Hartford will further develop technologically advanced schools to enhance curriculum and instruction and to provide diverse learning experiences necessary to achieve the technical skills and literacy needed for the 21st century.

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If you have a question

If you have a question the quickest way to get it answered is through the the appropriate channels.

Concerns, especially those involving instruction, discipline or learning materials is from teacher to school building or district administrator to Superintendent to Board. If you have a question in those cases where satisfactory adjustment cannot be made according to this procedure, concerns may be submitted to the Board.

When a concern goes to the Board, as a general rule, it should be submitted in advance, in writing and signed, specifying the action desired or the remedy sought.

If you have any question or concern, try to obtain satisfactory resolution by contacting district personnel in this order:

1. Teacher

2. Building Principal

3. Related Supervisor:

  • Transportation (315) 624-1239
  • Cafeteria (315) 738-0848
  • Buildings and Grounds (315) 624-1233
  • Pupil Services (315) 738-9311
  • Assistant Superintendent for Business (business related matters e.g. transportation, cafeteria, building and grounds) (315) 624-1202
  • Assistant Superintendent for Instruction (student, teacher, curriculum, health related) (315) 624-1204
  • Superintendent (315) 624-1218

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