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District-wide School Safety Plan

Adopted Aug. 20, 2024


Emergencies and violent incidents in school districts are critical issues that must be addressed in an
expeditious and effective manner. Districts are required to develop a District-wide School Safety Plan designed to prevent or minimize the effects of serious violent incidents and emergencies and to
facilitate the coordination of the district with local and county resources in the event of such incidents or emergencies.

The district-wide plan is responsive to the needs of all schools within the district and is consistent with the more detailed emergency response plans required at the school building level. Districts are at risk of a wide variety of acts of violence, and natural and technological disasters. To address these threats, the State of New York has enacted the Safe Schools Against Violence in Education (SAVE) law. This component of Project SAVE is a comprehensive planning effort that addresses risk
reduction/prevention, response, and recovery with respect to a variety of emergencies in the school district and its schools.

New Hartford Central School (NHCS) continues to support this integral component of the SAVE
legislation through the regular review and updating of its contents. The district superintendent
encourages and advocates this ongoing district-wide cooperation and support of Project SAVE.

Table of Contents




    • Program Initiatives
    • Training, Drills and Exercises
    • Implementation of School Safety and Building Security
    • Vital Educational Agency Information


    • Multi-Hazard Response
    • Response Protocols
    • Responses to Acts of Violence: Implied or Direct Threats Including Threats by Students Against Themselves, to Include Threats of Suicide
    • Acts of Violence
    • Responses to Violence (Reporting, Investigation, Follow-up, Evaluation, and Disciplinary Measures)
    • Arrangements for Obtaining Emergency Assistance from Local Government
    • Procedures for Obtaining Advice and Assistance from Local Government Officials
    • Resources Available for Use in an Emergency
    • Procedures to Coordinate the Use of Resources and Manpower during Emergencies
    • Protective Action Options
    • Public Health Emergencies – Communicable Disease





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Section I: General Considerations and Planning Guidelines

A. Purpose

New Hartford Central School District-wide School Safety Plan was developed pursuant to Commissioner’s Regulation 155.17. At the direction of the Board of Education, the District Superintendent appointed a District-wide School Safety Team and charged it with the development and maintenance of the District-wide School Safety Plan.

B. Identification of Safety Teams

As referenced in the previous section, New Hartford Central School has appointed a District-Wide Safety Team that includes, but is not limited to, representatives of: School board, Teacher organizations, bus drivers/monitors Administrator organizations, School safety personnel, Parent organizations, Law enforcement, Student (at discretion of BOE) and other school personnel. The members of the team and their positions or affiliations are as follows:

  • Dr. Cosimo Tangorra (Superintendent)
  • Dr. Cosimo Tangorra (Chief Emergency Officer)
  • Christy Colangelo (BOCES Safety Services)
  • All Building Principals (Administrators)
  • Patty Ward (Transportation Supervisor)
  • John Gillette (MIS Director)
  • Jeff Davis (Maintenance)
  • Ann Marie Brelinsky, Andrew Allen (School Safety Personnel)
  • Marc Elefante (Director of Facilities III)
  • Hollice Paciello (Head School Nurse)
  • Heather Thomas, Cheryl Martin, Katie Cooke, Tom Krol, Jill Davies-Nelson (Building Teacher Representatives)
  • Jordan Spinella, Ed Schmidt, Cale Tallman, Wayne Manderson (Parent Representatives/Day Automation)
  • Linda Lark (Board Member)
  • TBD (Student – at discretion of the Board)

The District-Wide Safety Team was approved by the Board on August 20, 2024.

C. Identification of the Chief Emergency Officer (CEO)

The New Hartford Central School District has appointed Dr. Cosimo Tangorra as the Chief Emergency Officer on August 20, 2024. 

The responsibilities of the CEO include, but are not limited to:

  1. Coordination of the communication between school staff, law enforcement, and other first responders;
  2. Lead the efforts of the District-Wide Safety Team in the completion and yearly update of the District-Wide School Safety Plan, by September 15 and the coordination of the District-Wide Plan with the Building-Level Emergency Response Plans;
  3. Ensure staff understanding of the District-Wide School Safety Plan;
  4. Ensure the completion and yearly update of Building-Level Emergency Response Plans for each school building by the dates designated by the Commissioner;
  5. Assist in the selection of security related technology and development of procedures for the use of such technology;
  6. Coordinate appropriate safety, security, and emergency training for district and school staff, including required training in the emergency response plan by September 15 annually;
  7. Ensure the conduct of required evacuation and lock-down drills in all district buildings as required by Education Law Section 807.

D. Concept of Operations

  • General protocols reflected in the District-wide School Safety Plan guide the development and implementation of the Building Safety Plans. The District-wide Safety Plan sets forth the general procedures and protocols to be adhered to at each division and serve as the standard operating procedures.
  • In developing the District-wide School Safety Plan, key internal and external stakeholders were involved in order to garner the best local operational knowledge and the best emergency management and safety expertise in creating and revising the plan. The District is an integral part of the community and it is important that community stakeholders are involved and understand the role of the school district and its relationship to the safety of the community at large.
  • In the event of an emergency or violent incident, the initial response to all emergencies at an individual division will be by the Building Emergency Response Team.
  • Upon activation of the Building Emergency Response Team, the Superintendent or designee will be notified and, where appropriate, local emergency officials will also be notified. Efforts may be supplemented by county and state resources through existing protocols.

E. Plan Review and Public Comment

  • Pursuant to Commissioner’s Regulation, Section 155.17 (e)(3), this plan will be made available for public comment at least 30 days prior to its adoption. The District-wide School Safety Plan may be adopted by the School Board only after at least one public hearing that provides for the participation of school personnel, parents/guardians/families, students and any other interested parties. The plan must be formally adopted by the Board.
  • Full copies of the District-wide School Safety Plan and any amendments will be submitted to the New York State Education Department within 30 days of adoption and no later than October 1 of each year. In addition, the Building Safety Plans will be sent to the New York State Police, Oneida County Sheriff’s Office, New Hartford Police Department and any other Local Police Agency(ies), if applicable.
  • The District-wide School Safety Plan will be reviewed periodically during the year and will be maintained by the District-wide Safety Team. The required annual review will be completed on or before July 1 of each year after its adoption by the Board.
  • While linked to the District-Wide School Safety Plan, Building-Level Emergency Response Plans shall be confidential and shall not be subject to disclosure under Article 6 of the Public Officers Law or any other provisions of the law, in accordance with Education Law Section 2801-a. Building- Level Emergency Response Plans will be provided to the New York State Police, Oneida County Sheriff’s Office and Police Department(s) within 30 days of adoption and no later than October1st of each year.

District-Wide Safety Team annual review date

May 2024

District-Wide School Safety Plan – Public comment period (began & ended)

July 18, 2024 – August 18, 2024

Public Hearing

August 20, 2024

District-Wide School Safety Plan approved by Board

August 20, 2024

District-Wide School Safety Plan posted to website

August 21, 2024

URL of District-Wide School Safety Plan verified

September 1, 2024

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Section II: Risk Reduction/Prevention and Intervention

A. Prevention/Intervention Strategies

Initiatives that improve the culture and climate in our schools and improve communication at all levels can substantially enhance our ability to truly prevent any negative event from occurring. Prevention would always be preferred over risk reduction. However, not all such events will be prevented despite our best efforts. Therefore, we must formulate plans to intervene and reduce risk by minimizing the impact of any negative event.

This section will identify specific prevention and risk reduction strategies that have been implemented within the district. Many of these components serve as both prevention and risk reduction tools. Additionally, the Workplace Violence Program has been established for the New Hartford Central School District.

Program Initiatives

The district recognizes the importance of programs and activities that improve the school climate and communication throughout the school community and that encourages the reporting of potentially dangerous, suspicious or violent behavior. Such efforts serve to improve the security, safety and quality of life for all those in the community. Under the requirements of Alyssa’s Law, the District-Wide School Safety Committee met to explore options regarding the law and its implementation. At this time, the district continues to explore options regarding this implementation and will use alternate means to promote student and staff safety as the top priority. The district has implemented the following of such current initiatives:

  • School resource officer program
  • School security officers on site
  • Other programs, projects and activities such as Captain’s Club, Character Education and Project Purple, Positivity Project

The district encourages all divisions to develop strategies that support a positive safe learning environment for students, such as community involvement in the schools, mentoring programs, or adjusting scheduling to minimize potential for conflicts or altercations.

Training, Drills and Exercises

The District will ensure that each building conducts drills and exercises to test the components of their respective building-level plan. To comply with Education Law §807, each school must conduct 4 lock- down and 8 evacuation drills (12 drills total) each year. The use of tabletop exercises to accomplish this task in coordination with local and county emergency response and preparedness officials may be considered when live drills are impractical or not sufficient to meet training goals. Specific drills and training for various types of hazards will be conducted for staff and students on selected response protocols including: Shelter-In-Place; Hold-In-Place, Evacuation, Lockout, and Lockdown. This training will identify various types of hazards that could occur, response actions that should be employed, as well as training on violence prevention and mental health. Students should be informed, in a non-traumatizing way, about different types of responses that can be used. This type of training will be conducted before September 15th annually; new employees will be trained within 30 days of hire.

Trauma-Informed Drills

Trauma means an emotional response to a deeply distressing or disturbing experience such as, but not limited to, an act of violence, natural disaster, abuse, neglect, or loss. Trauma-informed means an understanding of trauma and how it affects the physical, emotional, and mental health of students and adults.

Trauma-informed drills means avoiding tactics in training or drills that may introduce or activate trauma, such as the use of props, actors, simulations, or other tactics intended to mimic a school shooting, incident of violence, or other emergency, or inclusion of developmentally or age-appropriate content. Drills may inadvertently prompt a negative emotional or psychological response in staff or students because of previous exposure(s) to trauma.

Tabletop exercises may be utilized by school and district safety teams as a training resource and may include a discussion-based activity for staff in an informal classroom or meeting-type setting to discuss their roles during an emergency and their responses to a sample emergency situation.

Drills and training conducted during the school day with students present shall be conducted in a trauma-informed, developmentally and age-appropriate manner and shall not include props, actors, simulations, or other tactics intended to mimic a school shooting, incident of violence, or other emergency. Students and staff shall be informed at the time that drills are conducted.

Drill list

To prepare for emergencies all staff and students will practice the following:

  • Fire Drills
  • Bus Evacuation Drills
  • Go Home Early Evacuation Drills
  • Shelter-in-Place, Hold-in-Place, Lockout, and Lockdown Drills (SHELL)
  • Evacuation to Alternate Site Drills
Notification of Drills to Parents or Persons in Parental Relation

At the beginning of each school year, and once near the beginning of each of the remaining three quarters, parents will be provided with a list of drills that may be conducted throughout the school year and what each drill may entail.

Full-Scale Drill Exercises

Schools and districts that opt to participate in full-scale exercises in conjunction with local and county emergency responders and preparedness officials that include props, actors, simulations, or other tactics intended to mimic a school shooting or other acts of violence or emergency may not be conducted on a regular school day and when school activities such as athletics are occurring on school grounds. Additionally, such exercises cannot include students without written consent from parents or persons in parental relation.

Each drill/exercise will be followed with a debrief session for all staff involved and suggestions/recommendations that will improve response actions and protocols in the future.

Additional drills will be held during summer school, if summer school is being conducted with one of the drills completed during the first week of summer school.

In addition, early dismissal drills will not occur more than 15 minutes earlier than normal dismissal time. Transportation and communication procedures will be included in the test, and parents and guardians will be notified in writing at least one week prior to such drill.

By Oct. 1 of each year, written information regarding emergency procedures will be given to students and staff.

The emergency back-up generators and lighting are also tested annually and all systems verified functional without electricity.

Implementation of School Safety and Building Security

Routine Precautions by All Staff

All staff are expected to immediately report to their respective principal and/or supervisor about any information they have received or observations they have made regarding anything that could possibly impact the safety and security of anyone within the school community.

Note: Staff should always err on the side of safety and share such information each and every time. No detail is too small or inconsequential as individual staff may not be aware of all circumstances surrounding a particular student or concern.

Limited Access

Each building is tasked with implementing this policy while tailoring it to the specific needs of their program. Generally, this means that the fewest exterior doors necessary to maintain normal business will remain unlocked during portions of the regular school day. Doors shall not be propped open so that safety, security and fire code regulations can be maintained. Those doors that may need to remain unlocked during a portion of the school/business day should be monitored in some fashion. All entrances are to be secured shortly after the start of the instructional/business day.

Once secured for the instructional/business day, the divisions may utilize an audio and/or video electronic, visitor access control system at their primary entrances that provides a means for school staff to remotely screen and approve visitors prior to actually granting them access into the building.

The District also utilizes a keyless entry/electronic access control system allowing specific access (designated days/times, buildings and entrances) to authorized personnel by presenting a programmed proximity identification card to a reading device at those entrances.

Staff Photo Identification Badges

All employees are issued photo identification badges that are to be displayed at all times while on District property to assist visitors, students and staff in identifying employees as well as possible intruders.

Visitor Policy

All visitors are required to sign at the main office upon entry into the building. Visitors will sign-in and be issued a name badge, which needs to be visible at all times. Visitors are required to sign-in and out where they first entered the building.

All visitors attending school functions that are open to the public, such as parent teacher organization meetings or public gatherings, are not required to sign in at the main office (when meetings are after school hours).

Visitors may only go to the location they designated in the sign-in registrar to maintain safety and order.

Should an unannounced visitor appear at a classroom, office or be observed in the hallways without proper identification (visitor pass/name badge), staff may approach and inquire as to a subject’s business or contact their school’s main office immediately.

Student Sign-Out Procedures

The District is diligent in ensuring that only those persons authorized to sign-out students are allowed to do so. Staff may also require a photo ID if the requesting party is unknown to them and may contact a parent or guardian for confirmation when deemed appropriate.

Video Surveillance

A digital video surveillance system is in service to assist in monitoring, deterring and recording activity in high use areas, as well as areas of chronic concern or perceived vulnerability.

School Safety Assessment

School safety assessment – The District will continue to work with the New Hartford Police Department in order to identify emergency and potential school safety problems.

Fire Alarm

A fire detection alarm that is linked to a central monitoring station is in service at the District. These alarms and fire response procedures are tested regularly and consistent with New York State Education Department regulations.

School Resource Officer and School Security Officer

The District contracts with the New Hartford Police Department to provide a School Resource Officer on campus during the school day and School Security Officers in each complex. The School Resource Officer acts as the liaison between students and staff and will field anonymous reports of acts of violence and bullying.

Random Drug Sniffing Canine Search

The District may occasionally conduct canine searches throughout the school year.

Vital Educational Agency Information

The District maintains general information located at the District, including information on school population, number of staff, transportation needs, and the telephone numbers of key officials.

B. Early Detection of Potentially Violent Behaviors

The District recognizes the importance of early recognition and intervention into conflicts and potentially violent or threatening behaviors. As such, the District will ensure that appropriate school violence prevention and intervention training will be incorporated into all phases of staff professional development. Communication strategies are utilized to deter potentially violent incidents with the establishment of various programs.

This communication may extend beyond the School District to include members of the District’s Safety Team, Law Enforcement, School Health Professionals, Mental Health Professionals, a school-level behavioral assessment team, and/or available county or regional threat assessment teams, etc., when deemed appropriate and within existing legal parameters.

Informative materials regarding the early detection of potentially violent behaviors shall be made available to the school community through various means that may include brochures, newsletters and the district website.

Students, parents/guardians and all staff are encouraged to share information regarding any student conflicts, threats or troubling behaviors with the appropriate school administrator so that an investigation can commence in a timely fashion if deemed necessary.

Strategies for Improving Communication Among Students and Between Students and Staff and Between Administration and Parents or Persons in Parental Relations Reporting of Potentially Violent Incidents

The District recognizes the importance of good communication among students and between students and staff, and between administration and parents. All parties are encouraged to strive for improvement at all times. Sharing information is the first line of defense in keeping students safe. It is vital that students and parents understand that reporting information about potential problems is a way of preventing harm to another. Reporting concerns that may impact on the safety and health of others is the responsibility of the entire District’s community.

Short term and long-term strategies to bettering communication and preventing violence at the District include:

  • Set clear expectations for students and communicate these standards to students, staff and parents. (Code of Conduct)
  • Pay attention to what students are saying
  • Encourage communication among parents/guardians, student, administration, staff and community members
  • Train staff to listen and question effectively
  • Institute programs, initiatives and community service students to promote character development.

This communication may extend beyond District personnel to include members of the District Safety Team, Law Enforcement, Mental Health Professionals, etc., when deemed appropriate and within existing legal parameters.

C. Hazard Identification

The list of sites of potential emergencies include: main building, playground area, properties adjacent to the building, buses, off-site field trips, and commercial areas adjacent to school property. Each individual Building Health and Safety Team has assessed their own division for any unique hazards and has documented them on their respective Building-Level Emergency Response Plans. The District has developed multi-hazard response plans, based on the Incident Command System and the National Incident Management System (NIMS), for the following emergency situations:

Multi-Hazard List (by category)

Civil Disturbance

Bomb Threat, Intruder Alert, Hostage Taking, Kidnapping, Physical Assault or Threat

Environmental Emergency

Flood, Hazardous Materials Incident, Snow/Ice Storm, Tornado Warning, Thunder/Lightning Storm, Wind Storm, Fire, Explosion, Gas Leak

Building Failure

System Failure, Structural Failure

Medical Emergency

Sick/Injured Person, School Bus/Car Accident, Mass Illness/Epidemic, Influenza Pandemic/Pandemic

Identified Onsite Hazards 

  • Various chemical storage areas
  • Welding
  • Indoor vehicle transportation areas
  • Compressed gas storage areas
  • Areas of student congregation
  • Student/teacher/administrator conference areas
  • Boiler/mechanical rooms
  • Swimming pools

Identified Off-Site Hazards 

  • Major highways (chemical transport) 
  • Airport (flight path) 
  • Railroad 
  • Creeks 

D. Construction and Capital Project Safety

The District will take steps to ensure the safety and security of the students and staff during periods of construction. This requirement may include conducting background checks on workers, maintaining sufficient and appropriate emergency egress routes, and notifying building occupants of any changes.

The District Safety Committee, or a subcommittee thereof, may be involved in monitoring safety during construction projects as needed. The Committee may include: the Superintendent, Director of Facilities, members of the Safety Office, Administration team members, architect, construction manager, and contractors. The Committee will hold additional meetings as needed to review issues and address complaints related to health and safety resulting from the construction project.

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Section III: General Emergency Response Planning and Response to Threats and Acts of Violence

A. Notification and Activation (Internal and External Communications)

Quick and accurate contact with appropriate law enforcement officials is essential in the event of a violent incident. These relationships have been established through the participation of local response officials on Building-Level Emergency Response Teams. These individuals and appropriate means of contact are documented in the Building-Level Emergency Response Plans. Internal communication is also of prime importance and will be specifically defined in each Building-Level Emergency Response Plan.

Incident Commanders are authorized to and will initiate contact with the appropriate law enforcement officials in the event of a violent incident. The District maintains a list of local law enforcement agencies, and the designation of the individual who is authorized to contact the law enforcement agencies.

The methods used for notifications of a disaster or an act of violence include the following possible forms of communication: Oneida County Emergency Services, telephone, e-mail, portable radio system, NOAA weather radio, District-maintained website, intercom or PA system, local media, ParentSquare and others as appropriate or necessary.

The plans may specify that in the event of an emergency, or impending emergency, the District will notify all principals/designees within the complex to take the appropriate action.

The District may utilize the resources of the Oneida County Emergency 911 Call Center and other messaging means to contact parents, guardians or persons in parental relation to the students in the event of a violent incident or an early dismissal. The District may also use local media in some instances or post information on the website.

B. Situational Responses

Multi-Hazard Response 

In the event of a catastrophic emergency (fire, building collapse, etc.) the evacuation of the building and the preservation of life is the only consideration. It is anticipated that specific procedures outlined in this document, particularly as they relate to notifications, line of authority, etc., and may be violated in cases involving catastrophic emergencies.

There are many variables that could impact the manner in which the Building Emergency Response Team responds to a particular occurrence. These variables could include: time of day, weather, age of students, and location of students, anticipated response time of emergency responders, availability of support personnel and availability of transportation. Specific emergency situations are identified and standard response procedures are detailed in the Building-Level Emergency Response Plans; however, given the aforementioned variables, it is impractical to try and map out the specific steps to
take for every conceivable scenario. It is more practical to focus on just a few critical decisions that need to be made in every emergency pursuant to our primary goal of preventing injury and loss of life. In the event that the following response actions, emergency closing, early dismissal, evacuation, shelter-in-place, lockdown, lockout are activated, the following actions will be implemented. For example: a response protocol could include the following steps:

  1. Assess the situation – Incident Commander/Designee
  2. Response Action Implementation
  3. Notification of Parents/Guardians/Families
  4. Recovery
  5. Evaluation

Each Building-Level Emergency Response Plan includes procedures and actions that will be implemented in the event of the occurrence of a hazardous event. Such plans are not available to the public, nor are they to be included in the District-Level Safety Plan.

The Safe School Officer is designated as the Chief Emergency Officer and the District Superintendent is the Incident Commander during the initial response to any emergency at the District. The District Superintendent will provide leadership, organize activities and disseminate information with the assistance of the Emergency Response Team(s). If the District Superintendent is unavailable or not on site, a Designated Alternate will act in their absence with the same authority and responsibility.

Response Protocols 

The District’s selection of appropriate responses to emergencies, including protocols for responding to bomb threats, hostage takings, intrusions and kidnappings will be included in the Building-Level Safety Plans. The following possible protocols are provided as examples:

  • Identification of decision-makers
  • Plans to safeguard students and staff
  • Procedures to provide transportation, if necessary
  • Procedures to notify parents/guardians/families
  • Procedures to notify media
  • Debriefing procedures

In most instances where this level of school response is warranted, the District will be seeking assistance from outside emergency responders in resolving the situation. As such, the immediate objective is generally to contain and manage the incident until the emergency responders arrive on scene.

Procedures for obtaining advice and assistance from local government officials including the county or city officials responsible for implementation of Article 2-B of the Executive Law. By contacting Oneida County 911 Call Center, the system for coordinating the delivery of assistance from both the county and local agencies will be activated.

Responses to Acts of Violence: Implied or Direct Threats Including Threats by Students Against
Themselves, to Include Threats of Suicide

The District’s policies and procedures for responding to implied or direct threats of violence by students, teachers, other school personnel and visitors to the school will be included in the Building-Level Safety Plans. In situations in which Implied or Direct threats of violence by students, teachers, other school personnel or visitors to the school have been made and recognizes the need to take immediate action.

The following types of procedure(s) may be used:

  • Follow procedures outlined in the Code of Conduct
  • Use of staff trained in de-escalation or other strategies to diffuse the situation.
  • Inform Building Principal of implied or direct threat.
  • Determine level of threat with District Superintendent/Designee.
  • Contact the appropriate law enforcement agency.
  • Monitor situations, adjust responses as appropriate, and include the possible use of the Emergency Response Team.

Acts of Violence 

The District policies and procedures for responding to acts of violence by students, teachers, other personnel and visitors to the District will be included in the Building-Level Safety Plans. The following types of procedure(s) could be used:

  • Determine level of threat with District Superintendent/Designee.
  • If the situation warrants, isolate the immediate area and evacuate if appropriate.
  • Staff and Students are asked to inform the Building Principal/ Superintendent.
  • If necessary, initiate a response procedure (Hold-In-Place, Lockout and/or Lockdown), and contact appropriate emergency response agencies.
  • Monitor situation; adjust response as appropriate; if necessary, initiate early dismissal, sheltering or evacuation procedures.
  • Keep parents/guardians/families informed.

Responses to Violence (Incident reporting, Investigation, Follow-Up, Evaluation, and Disciplinary Measures)

The District requires all incidents of violence, whether or not physical injury has occurred (verbal abuse, threats of violence, etc.), to be reported immediately by employees and students and documented. With the realization that employees and students may otherwise be reluctant to come forward, all must maintain confidentiality. Individuals are assured that there will be no reprisal for reporting their concerns. Incidents will be reported as follows:

  • The School Building Principal/Administrator or Designee will be responsible for receiving and responding to all incident reports including anonymous reports.
  • Information on the reporting process for students and staff will be provided as part of the violence prevention training program when needed.
  • Incidents will be reported to and evaluated by a Threat Assessment Team for the purpose of compiling data and evaluating the Violence Prevention Program.

Relationships have been established with the Police Department and other emergency response agencies at the building level. First Responders are asked to participate on Building-Level School Safety Teams.


Once an incident has been reported, and depending on its severity, the School Building Principal/Administrator or Designee will assume responsibility as the Incident Commander, who should take the following steps:

  • Report it to the Police Department;
  • Secure the area where the disturbance has occurred;
  • Ensure the physical safety/medical management of students/staff remaining in the area
  • Ensure that while responding to the incident, the remainder of the building remains appropriately supervised;
  • Quickly assess the area of the incident to determine damage as a result of the incident and if it is safe to remain; if necessary, evacuate or shelter as per the Building-Level Emergency Response Plans;
  • Provide notification to Administration;
  • Provide incident debriefing to students and staff as needed;
  • Notify parents/guardians/families

After the incident has occurred, the Threat Assessment Team will conduct a detailed investigation. It is the purpose of the Team to focus on facts that may prevent recurrence, not find fault. The Team conducting the investigation will:

  • Collect facts on how the incident occurred;
  • Record information;
  • Identify contributing causes;
  • Recommend corrective action;
  • Encourage appropriate follow-up; and
  • Consider changes in controls, policy and procedures.

The District recognizes the importance of responding quickly and appropriately to the medical and psychological needs of students/staff following exposure to a violent incident. All individuals affected by a violent act will be provided with appropriate medical and psychological treatment and follow-up. Provisions for medical confidentiality and protection from discrimination will be included to prevent the victims of violent incidents from suffering further loss.


Emergency Response/Threat Assessment Team is responsible for ensuring that an initial school building security analysis is conducted and periodically re-evaluated. These physical evaluations will focus on the identification and assessment of school building security hazards and address necessary changes in building practices. These evaluations will review the potential for different types of violent incidents including bomb threats, hostage-taking, intrusions, and kidnapping. Professionals will be utilized from local law enforcement, any available county or regional threat assessment teams, and private consultants as necessary.

Disciplinary Measures

The Code of Conduct will be the basis for determining the appropriate disciplinary measures that may be necessary.

Code of Conduct

The District has a detailed Code of Conduct to describe the expected behavior of students, staff and visitors to school buildings and the disciplinary actions resulting from violations of the Code. The Code is communicated to all students/staff and parents and serves as a major component of the violence prevention program. The Code is evaluated annually and revised as necessary to reflect changes in school policies and procedures. A copy of the Code of Conduct is made available to students, parents/guardians, staff and community members.

Arrangements for Obtaining Emergency Assistance from Local Government

Arrangements for obtaining assistance during emergencies from emergency services organizations and local government agencies include contacting 911 immediately. Additional support can be obtained by contacting the State Police, Sheriff, Local Police Departments, Local Fire Departments, any available county or regional threat assessment teams and Oneida County Emergency Services.

Procedures for Obtaining Advice and Assistance from Local Government Officials 

Resources Available for Use in an Emergency

District resources which may be available during an emergency include all of our facilities and other vehicles and trucks. We can also contact the Village and Town Highway Department for access to heavy equipment and other resources.

Procedures to Coordinate the Use of Resources and Manpower during Emergencies

The District will use the Incident Command System to coordinate the use of resources and manpower during emergencies.

Protective Action Options 

Plans for taking the following actions in response to an emergency where appropriate will be included in Building-Level Emergency Response Plans:

School Cancellation

The cancellation or delay of District educational programs shall be made by the Superintendent or designee.

Early Dismissal

Early dismissal shall be implemented under conditions when it is imperative to return students to their homes as quickly as possible (e.g. impending blizzard). The decision to dismiss early shall be made by the Superintendent or designee. Parents/guardians/families will be notified through various communication platforms.

Emergency Evacuation

Emergency evacuation is implemented under conditions when it is no longer safe for students and staff to remain in the building (e.g. hazardous materials spill). The decision to evacuate will be made by the Principal or designee. Students and staff will be accounted for. In some cases, students and staff will be taken to an alternative location, off site.


Sheltering will be implemented if conditions inside the building is safer for students and staff (e.g. tornado warning). The decision to shelter on site will be made by the Principal or designee. If the sheltering period is to extend more than a few hours, arrangements to meet basic human needs will be accounted for.


Hold in place will be implemented if conditions exist in the building to keep students and staff where they are (e.g. medical emergency). The decision to hold in place will be made by the Principal or designee.


A lockout will be implemented if there is a threat that exists outside of the building or vicinity (e.g. bank robbery). The decision to implement a lockout will be made by the Principal or designee.


A lockdown will be implemented if there is a threat inside of the building (e.g. a violent act). The decision to implement a lockdown will be made by the Principal or designee.

Terrorist Threats & Activities

In the event of terrorist threats or activities, the Principal shall be instructed by the Superintendent or designee to follow the recommended actions outlined by NYS Homeland Security. The actions recommended are based on the level of alert declared by the State and Federal governments.

National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS)

NTAS advisories – whether they be Alerts or Bulletins – encourage individuals to follow the guidance provided by state and local officials and to report suspicious activity. Where possible and applicable, NTAS advisories will include steps that individuals and communities can take to protect themselves from the threat as well as help detect or prevent an attack before it happens. Individuals should review the information contained in the Alert or Bulletin, and based upon the circumstances, take the recommended precautionary or preparedness measures for themselves and their families.


Describes current developments or general trends regarding threats of terrorism.

Elevated Threat Alert

Warns of a credible terrorism threat against the United States.

Imminent Threat Alert

Warns of a credible, specific, and impending terrorism threat against the United States.

Individuals should report suspicious activity to local law enforcement authorities. Often, local law enforcement and public safety officials will be best positioned to provide specific details on what indicators to look for and how to report suspicious activity. The If You See Something, Say Something™ campaign across the United States encourages the public and leaders of communities to be vigilant for indicators of potential terrorist activity, and to follow the guidance provided by the advisory and/or state and local officials for information about threats in specific places or for identifying specific types of suspicious activity.

Public Health Emergencies – Communicable Disease 

Effective April 1, 2021, Labor Law §27-c, amends Labor Law §27-1 and adds a new provision to Education Law §2801-a.  Labor Law §27-c requires public employers to develop operation plans in the event of certain declared public health emergencies.  Education Law §2801-a requires school districts to develop plans consistent with the new Labor Law requirement. The new law requires public employers to prepare a plan for the continuation of operations in the event that the Governor declares a public health emergency involving a communicable disease. Educational institutions must prepare plans consistent with Labor Law §27-c as part of their school safety plans pursuant to newly added subsection (2)(m) of Education Law §2801-a. The Plan must include the following at a minimum:

  1. A list and description of positions and titles considered essential with justification for that determination.
  2. The specific protocols that will be followed to enable non-essential employees and contractors to telecommute.
  3. A description of how the employer will, to the extent possible, stagger work shifts of essential employees and contractors to reduce workplace and public transportation overcrowding.
  4. Protocols to be implemented to secure personal protective equipment (PPE) sufficient to supply essential workers with 2 pieces of each PPE device needed for each work shift for at least six months. This must include a plan for storage of such equipment to prevent degradation and permit immediate access in the event of an emergency declaration.
  5. Protocols to prevent spread in the workplace in the event an employee or contractor is exposed, exhibits symptoms, or tests positive for the relevant communicable disease. Such protocols must include disinfection of the individual’s work area and common areas. It must also address the policy on available leave with respect to testing, treatment, isolation or quarantine.
  6. Protocols for documenting precise hours and work locations of essential workers for purposes of aiding in tracking the disease and identifying exposed workers in order to facilitate the provision of any benefits that may be available to them on that basis.
  7. Protocols for coordinating with the locality to identify sites for emergency housing for essential employees to contain the spread of the disease, to the extent applicable to the needs of the workplace.

Details on this Plan are included in Appendix C (Communicable Disease – Pandemic Plan).

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Section IV: Recovery

A. District Support for Buildings

After an incident, the Crisis Plan will be initiated by the appropriate level Emergency Response Team. Necessary resources will be deployed in order to support the Emergency Response Teams and post- incident responders.

The Emergency Response Team and the Post-Incident Response Team will be supported in their efforts by all available in-agency resources and personnel as required by the nature of the emergency. The Emergency Response Team is available for support when necessary to assist all buildings in their response effort.

B. Disaster Mental Health Services

The Building-Level Emergency Response Team will designate the Post-Incident Response Team in each school building to respond in crisis situations and help provide disaster mental health services as outlined in the Building-Level Emergency Response Plan for that building. The Department(s) affected may draw upon additional resources from existing pupil personnel staff, as needed. Depending on the nature of an incident, if a Department does not have the needed resources, services will be arranged for pupil personnel staff, such as school psychologists and school social workers, to assist on the Post-Incident Response Team. Employees will also be encouraged to seek assistance from the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Depending on the scope of the situation, the Oneida County Office of Emergency Management and Department of Mental Health may be contacted to help coordinate a County or State-wide effort.

C. Forms and Recordkeeping

The success of the Violence Prevention Program will be greatly enhanced by the District’s ability to document and accurately report on various elements of the program along with training staff. This will allow us to monitor its success and update the program as necessary. Forms, resources, and training materials have been developed for this purpose. Records will be kept in accordance with record retention laws.

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Appendix A: Description of Duties, Hiring and Screening Process, Required Training of Hall Monitors and Other School Safety Personnel

The process of establishing the duties for hall monitors and other school safety personnel shall rely on past practice, or be completed by civil service with consultation of the District, or shall be determined by the District pursuant to applicable Federal, State, County and Municipal guidance.

The District is an equal opportunity employer. The Civil Rights Act 1964 prohibits discrimination in employment because of race, sex or national origin. Public Law 90-202 prohibits discrimination because of age. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicap.

The process of hiring hall monitors and/or school safety personnel will follow applicable Federal, State, County and Municipal laws & Guidelines. The qualifications for such positions will be established by civil service when applicable or by the Board of Education. On or after July 1st, 2001, all newly hired school personnel will be required to submit two sets of fingerprints for the purpose of background checks, consistent with the S.A.V.E. Legislation of 2000.

Appendix B: SRO/SPO Contracts

These contracts can be obtained by contacting District Administration.

Appendix C: Communicable Disease (Pandemic Plan)

Our District-Wide School Safety Plan (DWSSP) is based on addressing the currently accepted phases of emergency management (Prevention/Mitigation; Protection; Response; Recovery). This concept is more simplistically defined as a way of looking at a potential emergency before, during and after the event. This Pandemic Plan is built upon the components already existing in our District-Wide School Safety Plan that also incorporates our Building-Level Emergency Response Plans. It is a flexible plan developed in collaboration with a cross-section of the school community and public health partners and
will be updated regularly to reflect current best practices. The plan will be tested (exercised) routinely as part of the overall exercise of the District-Wide School Safety Plan. The District-Wide School Safety Team assumes responsibility for development and compliance with all provisions of this Plan and
implementation at the building level through the Building-Level Emergency Response Team. Effective April 1, 2021, Labor Law §27-c, amends Labor Law §27-1 and adds a new provision to Education Law §2801-a.  Labor Law §27-c requires public employers to develop operation plans in the event of certain declared public health emergencies.  Education Law §2801-a requires school districts to develop plans consistent with the new Labor Law requirement. The new law requires public employers to prepare a plan for the continuation of operations in the event that the Governor declares a public health emergency involving a communicable disease. Educational institutions must prepare plans consistent with Labor Law §27-c as part of their school safety plans pursuant to newly added subsection (2)(m) of Education Law §2801-a. The Plan addresses the required components in the sections as noted below:


  1. A list and description of positions and titles considered essential with justification for that determination.
  2. The specific protocols that will be followed to enable non-essential employees and contractors to telecommute.
  3. A description of how the employer will, to the extent possible, stagger work shifts of essential employees and contractors to reduce workplace and public transportation overcrowding.


  1. Protocols to be implemented to secure personal protective equipment (PPE) sufficient to supply essential workers with two (2) pieces of each PPE device needed for each work shift for at least six (6) months. This must include a plan for storage of such equipment to prevent degradation and permit immediate access in the event of an emergency declaration.


  1. Protocols to prevent spread in the workplace in the event an employee or contractor is exposed, exhibits symptoms, or tests positive for the relevant communicable disease. Such protocols must include disinfection of the individual’s work area and common areas. It must also address the policy on available leave with respect to testing, treatment, isolation or quarantine.
  2. Protocols for documenting precise hours and work locations of essential workers for purposes of aiding in tracking the disease and identifying exposed workers in order to facilitate the provision of any benefits that may be available to them on that basis.
  3. Protocols for coordinating with the locality to identify sites for emergency housing for essential employees to contain the spread of the disease, to the extent applicable to the needs of the workplace.


  • We will work closely with the Oneida County Department of Health to determine the need for activation of our Plan. The following procedures will be followed by administrators, principals, school nurses for reporting communicable disease, including Coronavirus, Influenza, etc., and communicating with the Health Department:
    • Report suspected and confirmed cases of illness to the Oneida County Department of Health
  • The Oneida County Department of Health will monitor county-wide cases of communicable disease and inform school districts as to appropriate actions.
  • The School Safety Officer will help coordinate our Pandemic planning and response effort. This person will work closely with the District-Wide School Safety Team that has responsibility for reviewing and approving all recommendations and incorporating them into the District-Wide School Safety Plan. The school district Medical Director and nurses will be vital members of the Safety Team. Because of the potential importance of technology in the response effort (communication and notification) the school district Technology Director will also be an important Team member. The Human Resources Director, Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs, Facility Director, Food Service Director, Transportation Coordinator, Public Information Officer and Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction will also be vital to the planning effort. Other non-traditional individuals may also be required to be part of the Team.
  • The District-Wide School Safety Team will review and assess any obstacles to implementation of the Plan. The plan has considered issues related to Planning and Coordination; Continuity of Student Learning; Core Operations; Infection Control Policies and Procedures; and Communication.
  • The District will emphasize hand-washing and cough/sneezing etiquette through educational campaigns that will include NYS DOH and CDC Materials.
  • We will educate and provide information to parents/guardians, staff, and students about our pandemic plan and about how to make an informed decision to stay home when ill. We will utilize our website, postings and direct mailings for this purpose.
1. Essential Positions/Titles

In the event of a government ordered shutdown, similar to our response to the Coronavirus in the spring of 2020, the district is now required to consider how the district would prepare for future shutdowns that may occur. As part of our planning we are now required to provide information on those positions that would be required to be on-site or in district for us to continue to function as opposed to those positions that could realistically work remotely. The following information is addressed in the table below:

  1. Title – a list of positions/titles considered essential (could not work remotely) in the event of a state-ordered reduction of in-person workforce.
  2. Description – brief description of job function.
  3. Justification – brief description of critical responsibilities that could not be provided remotely.
  4. Work Shift – brief description of how the work shifts of those essential employees or contractors (if utilized) will be staggered in order to reduce overcrowding at the worksite.
  5. Protocol – how will precise hours and work locations, including off-site visits, be documented for essential employees and contractors (if utilized).
District Essential Positions

Title: Watchman
Description: Building Security
Justification: Hands On Critical
Work Shift:
Screening Sign-In

Title: Bus Mechanic
Maintain Fleet
Hands On Critical
Work Shift:
Screening Sign-In

Title: Bus Mechanic
Maintain Fleet
Hands On Critical
Work Shift:
Screening Sign-In

Title: Facilities Maintenance
Building Upkeep
Hands On Critical
Work Shift:
Screening Sign-In

Title: Facilities Maintenance
Building Upkeep
Hands On Critical
Work Shift:
Screening Sign-In

Title: Senior Building Custodians (5)
Building Upkeep
Hands On Critical
Work Shift:
Screening Sign-In

2. Protocols Allowing Non-Essential Employees to Telecommute
Ensure Digital Equity for Employees
  • Mobile Device Assessments:
    • Survey agency departmental staff to determine who will need devices at home to maintain operational functions as well as instructional services
    • Conduct a cost analysis of technology device needs
  • Internet Access Assessments:
    • Survey agency departmental staff to determine the availability of viable existing at-home Internet service
    • Conduct a cost analysis of Internet access needs
  • Providing Mobile Devices and Internet Access:
    • To the extent practicable, decide upon, develop procurement processes for, order, configure, and distribute, if and when available, appropriate mobile devices to those determined to be in need.
    • To the extent practicable and technically possible, decide upon, develop procurement processes for, and when available, provide appropriate Internet bandwidth to those determined to be in need. WIFI hotspots and residential commercial Internet options will be evaluated for anticipated effectiveness in particular situations.
Technology & Connectivity for Students – Mandatory Requirements:
  • To the extent possible, have knowledge of the level of access to devices and high-speed broadband all students and teachers have in their places of residence;
  • To the extent practicable, address the need to provide devices and internet access to students and teachers who currently do not have sufficient access; and
  • Provide multiple ways for students to participate in learning and demonstrate mastery of Learning Standards in remote or blended models, especially if all students do not yet have sufficient access to devices and/or high-speed internet.
Mobile Devices Delivery

Technology offers schools and districts increased options for continuing learning during extended closures. Technology can be leveraged in different ways to meet local needs, including but not limited to:

  • Communication (e-mail, phone, online conferencing, social media)
  • Teacher/student and student/student interaction (office hours, check-ins, peer collaboration)
  • Instruction (video/audio recordings of instruction, instructional materials, synchronous distance learning, asynchronous online courses)
  • Learning Materials and Content (digital content, online learning activities)
  • Additional Technology Devices Assessments:
    • Identify students’ technology needs to include adaptive technologies
    • Use the Asset Tracking Management System procedures to check out all mobile devices
    • If a shutdown happens abruptly, plan a pick-up time and location, and arrange to deliver devices to those who cannot pick them up.
  • Providing Multiple Ways for Students to Learn
    • Support instructional programs as needed in preparation of non-digital, alternative ways for students to participate in learning and demonstrate mastery of Learning Standards in remote or blended models in circumstances in which students do not yet have sufficient access to devices and/or high-speed internet.
3. Staggering Work Shifts of Essential Employees – Reducing Overcrowding

Depending on the exact nature of the communicable disease and its impact, the district is prepared to enact numerous strategies to reduce traffic congestion and maintain social distancing requirements in order to minimize building occupancy. The following will be considered:

  • Limiting building occupancy to 25%, 50% or 75% of capacity or the maximum allowable by State or Local guidance.
  • Forming employee work shift cohorts to limit potential contacts.
  • Limit employee travel within the building.
  • Stagger arrival and dismissal times.
  • Alternate work-days or work weeks.
  • Implement a four-day work week.
  • Limit or eliminate visitors to the building.

The school district will utilize these base strategies and expand upon them as necessary in order to address any public health emergency.

Protection (Preparedness)

We have collaborated with our partners to ensure complementary efforts. We have invited representatives from the Oneida County Department of Health, New Hartford Police Department, Office of Emergency Management, Department of Mental Health and others to attend our District-Wide School Safety Team meetings. This will allow us to send consistent messages to the school community on pandemic related issues.

The District-Wide Command Center will be at the Superintendent’s Conference Room with the alternate at the Business Office and will be activated at the direction of the School District Incident Commander. We have established our District-Wide Incident Command Structure as follows:

Dr. Cosimo Tangorra
Incident Commander Safety

Joe Barretta
Safety Officer

Dr. Cosimo Tangorra
Public Information Officer

Kim Schweitzer
Incident Log

Joe Barretta

Allen Hyde

Joe Barretta

Marc Elefante

Joe Barretta

Communications Office
Public Information Specialists

Building-level Command Posts and Incident Command Structures are defined in the Building-Level Emergency Response Plans. Our Incident Command System will complement and work in concert with the Federal, State, and Local Command Systems. Our central administrators and school building principals have completed both the IS 100 (Introduction to Incident Command) IS 362 (Multi-Hazard Emergency Planning for Schools) and IS 700 (National Incident Management System) training courses which are available on-line through the FEMA website.

The school district has designated a coordinator (administrator), for each of its schools, whose responsibilities include continuous compliance with all aspects of the school’s reopening plan, as well as any phased-in reopening activities necessary to allow for operational issues to be resolved
before activities return to normal or “new normal” levels. The coordinators shall be the main contact upon the identification of cases and are responsible for subsequent communication. Coordinators shall be responsible for answering questions from students, faculty, staff, and parents or legal guardians of students regarding public health emergencies and plans implemented by the school.

High School
Mark Benson

Perry Junior High School
Micheal Sinacore

Hughes Elementary School
Michele Pilla

Myles Elementary School
Stacy Pekala

Bradley Elementary School
James Davis

Joe Barretta

Communication will be important throughout a pandemic outbreak. It will be necessary to communicate with parents, students, staff, and the school community. Communication methods may include; websites; school postings; general mailings; e-mails; special presentations; phones and cell phones, texting; reverse 911 systems, and the public media. A school district Public Information Officer (PIO), Dr. Cosimo Tangorra, has been designated to coordinate this effort and act as the central point for all communication. The PIO will also retain responsibility for establishing and maintaining contact with accepted media partners. The PIO will work closely with our Public Information Specialists to ensure the dissemination of information, and our Technology Director to ensure proper functioning of all communication systems. This coordination will also help ensure that as many redundant communication systems as possible are available. The communication systems and notification methods available are the district website (newhartfordschools.org), social media and District-Wide Messaging System including email, text and robo calls.

Continuity of operations and business office function could be severely impacted by a loss of staff. As such, our plan will include procedures for maintaining essential functions and services. This will include:

  • Overall Operations – we have defined the following decision-making authority for the district; Dr. Cosimo Tangorra, District Superintendent, Allen Hyde, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Joe Barretta, Assistant Superintendent of Business, Joe, Barretta, Safety Officer and Mark Benson, High School Principal. Recognizing the need for these essential individuals to have frequent communication we have established as many redundant communication systems as possible. Our primary communication will be through our normal phone system followed by hand-held radios, cell phones, e-mail, district automated phone notification system.
  • The Business Office is essential for maintaining overall function and facilities operation. Back-up personnel will be important to maintain purchasing and payroll responsibilities. We have defined all business office individuals as having back-up responsibility in all areas. Recognizing the need for job cross-training, we have cross trained all business office employees. We have also established the ability to maintain these essential functions off-site from remote locations.
  • Maintenance of facilities will be difficult with a reduced or absent maintenance staff. The Director of Facilities or back-up designee will keep the business office informed of such status and of the point at which buildings can no longer be maintained. The Director of Facilities has provided building administrators with procedures for maintaining essential building functions (HVAC system operation, alarms, security, etc. along with a list of telephone numbers of outside companies and alternates for repair and maintenance of these systems). If necessary, we will pool maintenance staff to form a mobile central team to help assist in essential building function and cleaning of critical areas such as bathrooms. Teachers may be asked to assist in this effort. If necessary, we may provide spray bottle sanitizers for each classroom teacher for doorknob and desktop disinfection only. Desktops will be misted with the provided disinfectant and left to dry. At no time will products not approved by the school district be utilized.
  • Human Resources will be essential in monitoring absenteeism and assuring appropriate delegation of authority. Changes to district policies and procedures to reflect crisis response may become necessary and will be implemented by Human Resources. The Human Resources Director has provided cross-training of staff to ensure essential functions. Human Resources will help develop the Plan, in conjunction with all bargaining units, for emergency use of personnel in non-traditional functions and changes in the normal work-day such as alternate or reduced work hours, working from home, etc. Working with administration and local officials, the Human Resources Department will help to decide if schools need to be closed.

Continuity of instruction will need to be considered in the event of significant absences or school closure. Restructuring of the school calendar may become necessary. We will work closely with the New York State Education Department on this potential result throughout the crisis period. Some of the alternate learning strategies we have implemented to be used in combination as necessary include:

  • Use of mobile media storage devices for lessons (CDs, Jump Drives, iPads)
  • Synchronous and asynchronous lessons are available to all students K-12
  • Google Classroom and Zoom to support teaching and learning
  • Combination of hybrid and full remote – Continued learning opportunities delivered to all students during both modes
4. Obtaining and Storing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
PPE & Face Covering Availability:
  • The school district will provide employees with an acceptable face covering at no-cost to the employee and will have an adequate supply of coverings in case of replacement.
  • Face coverings are meant to protect other people in case the wearer is unknowingly infected.
  • Cloth face coverings are not surgical masks, respirators, or Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
  • Information should be provided to staff and students on proper use, removal, washing and disposal of face coverings.
  • Face coverings are most essential in times when physical distancing is difficult.
  • Procurement, other than some very basic preliminary purchases will be done on a consolidated basis to ensure that the district is getting the most for its PPE dollars.
  • Teach and reinforce use of face coverings among all staff.
  • We have encouraged all staff to utilize their own personal face coverings but have secured and will provide PPE for any employee requesting such protection. Specialized PPE (N95s, face shields, gowns, gloves, etc.) may be required for specific work tasks and will be provided as deemed necessary. Those individuals that are required to wear N-95 respirators will be fit-tested and medically screened prior to use to ensure they are physically able to do so. We will work in partnership with community partners to provide this capability. Parents/guardians will also be encouraged to provide face coverings for students however, face coverings will be provided for any student that cannot provide their own.
PPE Supply Management
  • The Facilities Department is working with programs to determine the overall PPE needs of the district. Centralized purchasing will be used when possible.

Disposal Face Coverings Supplies

  • Students
    • Quantity per 100 per Group: 100 masks per week
    • 12 Week Supply – 100% Attendance: 2500
    • 12 Week Supply – 50% Attendance: 1250
    • 12 Week Supply – 25% Attendance: 625
    • Assumptions: 1 Disposable Mask per Week per Student (supplements parent provided)
  • Teachers/Staff
    • Quantity per 100 per Group: 500
    • 12 Week Supply – 100% Attendance: 2250
    • 12 Week Supply – 50% Attendance: 1125
    • 12 Week Supply – 25% Attendance: 565
    • Assumptions: 5 Disposable Masks per Week per Teacher
  • Nurse/Health Staff
    • Quantity per 100 per Group: 1000
    • 12 Week Supply – 100% Attendance: 7200
    • 12 Week Supply – 50% Attendance: 3600
    • 12 Week Supply – 25% Attendance: 1800
    • Assumptions: 10 Disposable Masks per Week per School Nurse

PPE for High Intensity Contact with Students

  • Disposable Nitrile Gloves
    • 1 Week Supply for 1 Staff: 10
    • 12 Week Supply: 60
    • Assumptions: 10 per Week per Staff
  • Disposable Gowns
    • 1 Week Supply for 1 Staff: 10
    • 12 Week Supply: 60
    • Assumptions: 10 per Week per Staff
  • Eye Protection
    • 1 Week Supply for 1 Staff: 2
    • 12 Week Supply: N/A
    • Assumptions: 2 Re-usable per Staff
  • Face Shields
    • 1 Week Supply for 1 Staff: 2
    • 12 Week Supply: N/A
    • Assumptions: 2 Re-usable per Staff
  • Waste Disposal Medium
    • 1 Week Supply for 1 Staff: 1
    • 12 Week Supply: N/A
    • Assumptions: 1 Unit per Staff Total
  • N-95 Respirators*
    • 1 Week Supply for 1 Staff: 10
    • 12 Week Supply: 60
    • Assumptions: 10 per Week per Staff

*Note: N-95 respirators are recommended only if staff will be in contact with a suspected illness and/or aerosol-generating procedure. Those employees required to wear N-95 respirators will need to be fit tested and medically evaluated in order to determine if the employees are capable of wearing an N-95 respirator without impacting health.


The District-Wide School Safety Team will meet to determine the need for activation of a pandemic response based on internal monitoring and correspondence with the Oneida County Department of Health and other experts. Each Building-Level Emergency Response Team will be informed that the plan has been activated.

  • The entire Incident Command Structure at both the district and building level will be informed that the response effort has been enacted. These individuals will meet to discuss the plan’s activation and review responsibilities and communication procedures.
  • The PIO will work closely with the Technology Director to re-test all communication systems to ensure proper function. The District-Wide School Safety Team and Building-Level Emergency Response Teams will assist in this effort.
  • Based on the latest information from collaboration with our partners, and to send a message consistent with public health authorities, the PIO will utilize the communication methods previously described to alert the school community of the activation of our District-Wide School Safety Plan as it specifically applies to pandemics.
  • The Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs will meet with staff to review essential functions and responsibilities of back- up personnel. Ability to utilize off-site systems will be tested. The Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs will monitor utilization of supplies, equipment, contracts, and provided services and adjust as necessary.
  • The Facility Director will meet with staff and monitor ability to maintain essential function. The Facility Director will review essential building function procedures with the Principal and command chain. Sanitizing procedures will be reviewed with teachers. The Facility Director will work closely with the Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs or designee to implement different phases of the Plan as necessary.
  • The Human Resources Director will meet with staff to review essential functions and responsibilities of back-up personnel. The Human Resources Director will monitor absenteeism to ensure maintenance of the Command Structure and possible need to amend existing procedures.
  • Based on recommendations from Local and State Authorities, schools may be closed. Our plan for continuity of instruction will be implemented as previously described.
  • If the decision is made to close a school building the school district will notify the NYS Education Department and District Superintendent at Oneida-Herkimer-Madison BOCES.
5. Preventing Spread, Contact Tracing and Disinfection

Instructional programs must be prepared for outbreaks in their local communities and for individual exposure events to occur in their facilities, regardless of the level of community transmission. CDC has provided the following decision tree to help schools determine which set of mitigation strategies may be most appropriate for their current situation:

CDC and NYSDOH Recommendations
  • Closing off areas used by a sick person and not using these areas until after cleaning and disinfection has occurred;
  • Opening outside doors and windows to increase air circulation in the area.
  • Waiting at least 24 hours before cleaning and disinfection. If waiting 24 hours is not feasible, wait as long as possible;
  • Clean and disinfect all areas used by the person suspected or confirmed to have an illness, such as offices, classrooms, bathrooms, lockers, and common areas.
  • Once the area has been appropriately cleaned and disinfected it can be reopened for use.
  • Individuals without close or proximate contact with the person suspected or confirmed to have an illness can return to the area and resume school activities immediately after cleaning and disinfection.
  • If more than seven days have passed since the person who is suspected or confirmed to have an illness visited or used the facility, additional cleaning or disinfection is not necessary, but routine cleaning and disinfection should continue.
Return to School After Illness

Schools must follow local DOH guidance for allowing a student or staff member to return to school after exhibiting symptoms of an illness. If a person is not diagnosed by a healthcare provider (physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant) with an illness they can return to school:

  • Once there is no fever, without the use of fever reducing medicines, and they have felt well for 24 hours;
  • If they have been diagnosed with another condition and have a healthcare provider written note stating that they are clear to return to school.
Staff Absenteeism
  • All district/BOCES staff will contact their supervisor when they are absent due to illness. Substitutes will be provided as necessary and as requested.
  • The instructional departments will develop a plan to monitor absenteeism of staff, cross-train staff, and create a roster of trained back-up staff.
  • The non-instructional departments will monitor absenteeism of students and staff, cross train staff, and create a roster of trained back-up staff.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The Human Resources Department will continue to disseminate information to employees about EAP resources. EAP is a voluntary, work-based program that offers free and confidential assessments, short-term counseling, referrals, and follow-up services to employees who have personal and/or work-related problems. EAPs address a broad and complex body of issues affecting mental and emotional well-being, such as alcohol and other substance abuse, stress, grief, family problems, and psychological disorders.

Medical Accommodations

The Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Cosimo Tangorra will continue to handle medical accommodations. Requests for accommodations should be sent to ctangorra@nhart.org.

Facilities: Cleaning and Sanitizing

Cleaning removes germs, dirt, and impurities from surfaces or objects. Cleaning works by using soap (or detergent) and water to physically remove germs from surfaces. This process does not necessarily kill germs, but by removing them, it lowers their numbers and the risk of spreading infection. Visibly soiled surfaces and objects must be cleaned first. If surfaces or objects are soiled with body fluids or blood, use gloves and other standard precautions to avoid coming into contact with the fluid. Remove the spill, and then clean and disinfect the surface.

Sanitizing lowers the number of germs on surfaces or objects to a safe level, as judged by public health standards or requirements. This process works by either cleaning or disinfecting surfaces or objects to lower the risk of spreading infection.

Routine cleaning of school settings includes:

  • Cleaning high contact surfaces that are touched by many different people, such as light switches, handrails and door knobs/handles
  • Dust-mopping, wet-mopping and/or auto-scrubbing floors
  • Vacuuming of entryways and high traffic areas
  • Removing trash
  • Cleaning restrooms
  • Wiping heat and air conditioner vents
  • Spot cleaning walls
  • Spot cleaning carpets
  • Dusting horizontal surfaces and light fixtures
  • Cleaning spills
Classroom/Therapy Rooms

The district will provide related service providers with additional cleaning supplies to ensure continuous disinfecting of classrooms and therapy rooms that service students with complex disabilities where multiple tools are used for communication, mobility, and instruction.

Common Areas

Smaller common areas, like kitchenettes and copy room areas, should have staggered use. If users cannot maintain six feet of distance, they shall wear a face covering. Signage has been posted in common areas to remind staff of health and safety etiquette.


Disinfecting kills germs on surfaces or objects by using chemicals to kill germs on surfaces or objects. This process does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove germs, but by killing germs on a surface after cleaning, it can further lower the risk of spreading infection.

  • Cleaning and disinfection requirements from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Department of Health will be adhered to.
  • Custodial logs will be maintained that include the date, time and scope of cleaning and disinfection. Cleaning and disinfection frequency will be identified for each facility type and responsibilities will be assigned.
  • Hand hygiene stations will be provided and maintained, including handwashing with soap, running warm water, and disposable paper towels, as well as an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing 60% or more alcohol for areas where handwashing is not feasible.
  • Regular cleaning and disinfection of facilities and more frequent cleaning and disinfection for high-risk areas used by many individuals and for frequently touched surfaces, including desks and cafeteria tables will be conducted.
  • Regular cleaning and disinfection of restrooms will be performed.
  • Cleaning and disinfection of exposed areas will be performed in the event an individual is confirmed to have an illness, with such cleaning and disinfection to include, at a minimum, all heavy transit areas and high-touch surfaces.
  • Although cleaning and disinfection is primarily a custodial responsibility, appropriate cleaning and disinfection supplies will be provided to faculty and staff that is approved by the district for use.
  • Additional paper towel dispensers may be installed in other designated spaces.

Upon request, Facilities Services will provide approved disinfecting solutions for additional on the spot disinfecting. This should be done daily or between use as much as possible. Examples of high touch areas in schools may include, but are not limited to:

  • Bus seats and handrails.
  • Buttons on vending machines and elevators.
  • Changing tables.
  • Classroom desks and chairs.
  • Door handles and push plates.
  • Handles on equipment (e.g., athletic equipment).
  • Handrails, ballet barres.
  • Dance studio floors.
  • Kitchen and bathroom faucets.
  • Light switches.
  • Lunchroom tables and chairs.
  • Shared computers, keyboards and mice.
  • Shared telephones.
Hand Sanitizing
  • Hand sanitizer dispensers will be located and installed in approved locations.
  • Hand sanitizer bottles will be distributed to staff as approved for use from the district.
  • The district ensures that all existing and new alcohol-based hand-rub dispensers, installed in any location, are in accordance with the Fire Code of New York State (FCNYS) 2020 Section 5705.5.
Trash Removal
  • Trash will be removed daily.
  • Garbage cans or a process for collecting trash during lunch periods in classrooms will be increased where necessary.
  • No-touch trash receptacles will be utilized, where possible.
6. Documenting Precise Hours/Work Locations of Essential Workers

It is recognized that as the work environment changes to adapt to the emergency situation and typical work schedules are modified it can become more difficult to track employees especially if they conduct work off site or in numerous locations. The ability to identify these individuals will be extremely important if contact tracing is necessary during a communicable disease crisis. Tracking of these identified individuals will be located in the Building-Level Emergency Response Plan.

7. Emergency Housing for Essential Employees

Emergency housing for essential workers is not considered to be generally required for school employees as opposed to healthcare workers and other critical care employees. However, we have canvassed local hotels/motels so we may be prepared for an unanticipated need and should be able to access the following if necessary:

  1. Hampton Inn and Suites New Hartford/Utica (315-793-1600 & 315-733-1200)
  2. Holiday Inn Express & Suites Utica (315-724-2726)
  3. Fairfield Inn & Suites Utica (315-798-9600)
  4. TownePlace Suites by Marriott New Hartford (315-732-2500)
  5. Wingate by Wyndham Rome (315-334-4244)
  6. DoubleTree – 102 Lafayette Street, Utica 13502 (315)724-7829
  7. Home2 Suites – 119 N. Genesee Street, Utica 13502 (315)733-1000
  8. Hampton Inn – 1352 Floyd Ave., Rome 13441 (315)709-0000
  9. Homewood Suites – 185 Woods Road, Clinton 13323 (315)801-7200

Some Oneida County School Districts have also established school building shelter sites across the County in cooperation with the Red Cross which may be utilized in the event of any emergency situation. If deemed necessary, school districts will work closely with the Red Cross to determine housing options.


  • Re-establishing the normal school curriculum is essential to the recovery process and should occur as soon as possible. We will work toward a smooth transition from the existing learning methods to our normal process. We will use all described communication methods and our PIO to keep the school community aware of the transition process.
  • We will work closely with the New York State Education Department to revise or amend the school calendar as deemed appropriate.
  • We will evaluate all building operations for normal function and re-implement appropriate maintenance and cleaning procedures.
  • Each Building-Level Post-Incident Response Team will assess the emotional impact of the crisis on students and staff and make recommendations for appropriate intervention.
  • The District-Wide School Safety Team and Building-Level Emergency Response Teams will meet to debrief and determine lessons learned. Information from the PIO, Business Office, Human Resources, Facility Director, and other key team members will be vital to this effort. The District- Wide School Safety Plan and Building-Level Emergency Response Plans will be revised to reflect this.
  • Curriculum activities that may address the crisis will be developed and implemented.

Appendix D: Emergency Remote Instruction Plan


The NHCSD Board of Education recognizes the need for continuous learning, anytime, anywhere. While some settings are better than others to meet this need, there may come a time when we must provide continuity of teaching and learning in difficult circumstances and less-than-optimal settings.

The inclusion of an Emergency Remote Instruction Plan in New Hartford Central School District’s Safety Plan is required at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year, as noted at the September 2022 meeting of the Board of Regents. All public schools, boards of cooperative educational services (BOCES), and county vocational education and extension boards must amend their district-wide school safety plans to include plans for remote instruction. The plans must include the methods by which public schools, BOCES, and county vocational education and extension boards will ensure the availability of devices, internet access, provision of special education and related services for students with disabilities, and the expectations for time spent in different remote modalities.

Intention of the Plan 

The intention of this plan is to preserve the continuity of instruction during a time when assembling in person is not possible due to emergent health and safety risks causing a forced closure of our school facilities. It is important to keep in mind that the remote learning plan is in no way an optimal substitute
for the in-person, teacher-student relationship that fosters the best learning opportunities. Because of the nature of such circumstances, this is an optimized ‘band- aid’ to meet potential learning needs during an emergent set of distancing needs. Preparation, implementation, outcomes, and next steps should be thoughtfully considered with flexibility and an open mind to designing success for staff, students, and the families impacted by whatever emergency occurs. To that end, this plan is a living plan. As the needs and circumstances shift, the HTPS administration and teacher leaders will adapt this plan to best meet those needs and address the emergent circumstances.

Overview of the Plan 

Should the decision be made to force temporary, but extended closure of our school facilities, please know that we may consider exhausting all emergency closing days first, and if necessary, hold four-hour school days using days appropriated as breaks in the school calendar.

To meet the challenge of providing continuity of instruction and learning in such difficult circumstances, New Hartford Central School District will use remote blended learning designs. This is a combination of traditional learning experiences as well as digital learning experiences. The determination of traditional versus digital will be based upon the developmental appropriateness of, and availability of, access to digital resources. Daily learning plans, as they are regularly used, will continue to be available to students and families. This will help students and their families follow the learning path, access content, and offer context for learning 34 experiences.

Equitable Access and Opportunity to Instruction 
Students (Pre-K-12) 

In the event that the district transitions to all remote instruction, all students will have access to Wi-Fi and a device.

The bullets below denote the system in place to support the aforementioned statement.

  • The New Hartford Central School District implemented a 1:1 technology initiative in grades K-12.
  • The district has a Verizon Account with MiFi available if it has to pivot to all remote. If the district transitions to remote instruction, the parents/guardians will complete a ParentSquare survey at the building level to determine who does not have internet access available at home. All of the students who do not have access to sufficient broadband will be given a MiFi device. The district has the aggregate data of students who need MiFis in the event of a school closure.
  • All students have a District-issued G-Suite account and password and access to all required applications and platforms.
  • All students/guardians have completed a device loaner agreement.
  • The Technology Department is accessible to students, parents, or guardians remotely to troubleshoot and resolve issues with devices and learning platforms/software.

All teachers have access to district-owned devices. All new teachers received a computer during New Staff Orientation, the first day of school, or starting employment.

  • Accordingly, the New Hartford Central School District is prepared to ensure the continuation of learning for any class or students that may have to shift to remote learning. In order to prepare for the continuation of learning via remote instruction, the district has taken the following steps to ensure we can pivot to all remote at any point in time:
    • By the opening of school, all teachers will be required to create a Google Classroom and Zoom Link. All certified staff will also generate a Zoom link (i.e. social workers, school psychologists, non-traditional school psychologists, speech therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists). The links generated will be entered in the District Zoom Link Directory. Any technical help will be offered to new staff in creating a Google Classroom and a Zoom link.
    • Google Classroom and Zoom is the learning management system that allows the District to immediately pivot to all remote instruction.
  • Staff are encouraged to contact their building technician and submit a Master Library help ticket for assistance with any technology tools and matters related to technology troubleshooting. The Technology Department is accessible to staff remotely to troubleshoot and resolve issues with learning platforms/software.

All students, parents, or guardians have completed a device loaner agreement.

If we transition to remote instruction, teachers will submit a Master Library help ticket to report any issues received from parents or guardians about student devices. Our technicians will check this data daily to ensure all our students have a working device.

The Technology Department will be made accessible to students, parents, or guardians remotely to troubleshoot and resolve district-provided hardware issues. The Office of Curriculum and Instruction will provide support for learning platforms/software.

All communications sent by the District to parents or guardians will come from ParentSquare.

New Hartford Central School District is committed to providing several online programs and resources for students and staff. The instructional staff is encouraged to utilize them when delivering instruction and when assigning meaningful, differentiated, and rigorous work tasks. Below is a list of the district-approved online resources and programs.

District-Approved Online Program/Resource: ABCMouse.com
Grade Level:
Content Area:
Reading, Math, Science
Activities that teach reading, math, science, health, social studies, art, and music. ABCMouse teaches children through books, games, songs, puzzles, videos, and more, making learning fun and exciting!

District-Approved Online Program/Resource: Brainpop
Grade Level:
Content Area:
Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts & Music, Health and Technology
Animated Educational Site for Kids – Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts & Music, Health, and Technology.

District-Approved Online Program/Resource: Gimkit
Grade Level:
Middle School, High School
Content Area:
Gimkit is a game show for the classroom that requires knowledge, collaboration, and strategy to win.

District-Approved Online Program/Resource: Google Classroom
Grade Level:
Content Area:
All Classrooms
Google Classroom is your all-in-one place for teaching and learning. Our easy-to-use and secure tool helps educators manage, measure, and enrich learning experiences.

District-Approved Online Program/Resource: Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms
Grade Level:
Content Area:
All Classrooms
Google Documents (Docs) – an online word processor to create and format text documents. Google Spreadsheets (Sheets) – an online spreadsheet application to create and format spreadsheets and charts. Google Presentations (Slides) – an online presentations editor to create visual presentations and shows. Use Google Forms to create online forms and surveys with multiple question types. Analyze results in real time and from any device.

District-Approved Online Program/Resource: Kami
Grade Level: Jr. High, Sr. High
Content Area:
All Classrooms
Kami is an online document annotation and markup tool. You can highlight, underline, and strikethrough text in PDF and other document formats. You can also add text boxes, shapes, and images. Kami works with Google Drive and Google Classroom. With Kami, you can easily collaborate on documents in the classroom while avoiding the hassles of printing documents.

District-Approved Online Program/Resource: Listenwise – Listen Innovations
Grade Level: Myles
Content Area:
ELA, Social Studies, Science
Listenwise is a fun and engaging way to teach grade- level curriculum and language together while developing listening skills.

District-Approved Online Program/Resource: MakeMusic – SmartMusic
Grade Level: District
Content Area:
Description: MakeMusic, Inc. brings together all the tools you need to teach, practice, perform, explore, and create music with MakeMusic Cloud (SmartMusic), and products like Finale and Garritan.

District-Approved Online Program/Resource: Music Express
Grade Level: Myles
Content Area:
Description: Unique music education resource to help strengthen your curriculum and make your classroom more fun! Issued 6 times during the school year.

District-Approved Online Program/Resource: Music K-8
Grade Level: Myles
Content Area:
Description: Online Music Magazine and free music-related downloads.

District-Approved Online Program/Resource: OnShape
Grade Level: District
Content Area:
Description: OnShape is a browser-based CAD program that students and educators can access on any web- connected platform.

District-Approved Online Program/Resource: Senor Wooly
Grade Level: Middle School
Content Area:
Spanish Learning
Description: Acquire Spanish through visual stories An eLearning program.

District-Approved Online Program/Resource: Sight Reading Factory
Grade Level: Bradley
Content Area:
Description: Sight Reading Factory makes practicing sight reading fun, easy & effective with unlimited sight reading exercises for educators, students & hobbyists.

District-Approved Online Program/Resource: Starfall
Grade Level: Elementary Schools
Content Area:
English and Language Arts
Description: Fully developed kindergarten English and Language Arts curriculum and a comprehensive pre-K curriculum.

District-Approved Online Program/Resource: The Singing Classroom
Grade Level: Myles
Content Area:
Description: Online resources for music class.

District-Approved Online Program/Resource: WeVideo
Grade Level: District
Content Area:
Video Editing
Description: N/A

District-Approved Online Program/Resource: Zoom
Grade Level: District Staff
Content Area:
District Video Conference
Description: Video Collaboration Tool

Teacher Virtual/Remote Learning Guidelines (all teachers Pre-K through 12)

During remote instruction, staff are expected to:

  • log in each day at their contractually obligated time.
  • submit lesson plans that are aligned with their department/class according to due dates.
  • communicate the schedule of availability to all parents/students at the beginning of the work week using ParentSquare and Google Classroom; arrange the time, during work hours, when a student can call or video conference with the teacher, counselor, case manager, or related service provider.
  • respond to student/parent emails by the end of the following school day.
  • post assignments daily in Google Classroom.
  • host synchronous (live) learning sessions and/or live question and answer sessions with students each week according to the district schedule and provide small group instruction to students, when applicable.
  • follow building protocols for addressing student academic concerns and submit student intervention form(s) promptly as requested by the school administration pertaining to student academic progress, social and emotional concerns, and attendance.
  • contact school administration regarding any inappropriate interaction with a parent or student.
Progress Monitoring

During remote instruction, staff are expected to:

  • provide feedback, grade students’ work, and input grades in a timely manner.
  • adhere to Department/School Grading procedures.
  • continue to administer assessments in accordance with the State and District Assessment Calendars to continuously measure and monitor student growth and inform classroom instruction.
  • continue to reach out to students and work with academic departments and the Departments of School Counseling, Related Services, and Special Services to engage students in remote learning.

Attendance Plan

A day of virtual or remote instruction if instituted under a plan approved by the Commissioner of Education, is considered the equivalent of a full day of school attendance for the purposes of meeting State and local graduation requirements, awarding of course credit, and such other matters as determined by the Commissioner of Education and as per the District Attendance Policy. Teachers will record students’ attendance daily in the student information system. All contacts made by teachers with students, parents, and guardians will be logged in ParentSquare.

If an LEA has concerns about a student’s participation, it will first contact the parent/guardian. Attempt two (2) will come from the student’s school counselor, and attempt three (3) will include the building administrator. All three attempts would be made via phone or email to the parent/guardian. The LEA, counselor, and building administrator will collaborate to ensure the student’s wellness and support the improvement of participation.

The minimum hours of instruction for a virtual or remote day is four hours excluding lunch and recess in accordance with NYSED Regulations.

A day in session shall be a day on which the school is scheduled to provide instruction and students are under the guidance and direction of a teacher(s) engaged in the teaching process. A day on which school is closed for reasons such as holidays and teachers’ institutes, or inclement weather, shall not be considered a day in session.


All of our schools in the district adhere to the state requirements. Sample schedules will be provided.

Safety Delivery of Meals Plan

The district will ensure that meals (breakfast & lunch) are made available for pick-up by a designated person, not quarantining, following the schedule below at their respective child’s school. If a family has children in multiple schools, meals may be picked up at one location for all children.

  • Every school day
  • 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at all schools

Facilities Plan

Custodians will follow the directives provided by the building/district administration to help ensure the cleanliness and safety of our school facilities.

Other Considerations

  • To maintain the social-emotional health of students and staff during remote learning, school counselors are expected to:
    • maintain contact with students who are in jeopardy of failing.
    • assist in contacting students who have not been engaged in online learning as evidenced through reports generated by the school administration.
    • support the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) initiatives and the school climate.
    • counsel students, especially when a crisis arises, and conduct risk assessments as needed.
    • work on scheduling students for summer school and the next school year as directed by the school administration.
    • work in conjunction with school administration as needed to support students’ needs.
    • provide resources to staff as needed.
    • provide school-wide resources for the community, students, and faculty.’
  • Accelerated Learning Opportunities
    • Advanced, Honors, and Advanced Proficiency (AP) classes will continue to operate remotely.
  • Other Student Extended Learning Opportunities
    • All BOE-approved after-school learning programs will continue to operate remotely.
  • Transportation
    • Staff will continue to work in person as needed to assist in the delivery of learning materials and/or meals to students/families who are unable to pick them up at a school.
  • Extracurricular Programs
    • All BOE-approved after-school extracurricular programs will continue to operate remotely.
Essential Employees
  1. Administration
  2. Food Service
  3. Buildings and Grounds
  4. Transportation
  5. Security
  6. Information Technology
  7. Nursing
  8. Child Study Team who may only evaluate students in person (school psychologists, speech therapists, physical therapists, and occupational therapists)

APPENDIX E: Workplace Violence Prevention Policy

I. Statement of Policy

New Hartford Central School District (the district) is committed to the safety and security of our employees and to the goal of promoting the safety and well-being of all people in the workplace.

II. Definitions

A. Workplace is defined as any location away from an employee’s domicile, permanent or temporary, where an employee performs any work-related duty in the course of their employment by an employer.

B. Workplace Violence is any physical assault or act of aggressive behavior occurring where a public employee performs any work-related duty in the course of their employment including but not limited to:

  1. an attempt or threat, whether verbal or physical, to inflict physical injury upon an employee; any intentional display of force which would give an employee reason to fear or expect bodily harm;
  2. intentional and wrongful physical contact with a person without their consent that entails some injury; or
  3. stalking an employee with the intent of causing fear of material harm to the physical safety and health of such employee when such stalking has arisen through and in the course of employment.

C. Authorized Employee Representative is an employee authorized by the employees or the designated representative of an employee organization recognized or certified to represent the employees pursuant to Article 14 of the Civil Service Law.

III. Workplace Risk Evaluation

A. The District and authorized employee representatives must conduct a workplace risk evaluation annually.

B. The evaluation shall be designed to determine the risks of workplace violence that employees could be exposed to and will be conducted to identify potential hazards related to workplace violence. This includes:

  1. an analysis of relevant policies;
  2. reviewing work practices and procedures that may have an impact on workplace violence;
  3. evaluating the physical environment to assess any factors that may place employees at risk of workplace violence;
  4. developing the Workplace Violence Prevention Program; and
  5. reviewing workplace violence incident reports at least annually to identify trends in the types of incidents reported, if any, and reviewing the effectiveness of the mitigating actions taken.

IV. Workplace Violence Prevention Program

A written Workplace Violence Prevention Program shall be developed by the district and will explain how the Workplace Violence Prevention policy will be implemented and include details about the risks that were identified in the basic evaluation and describe how the employer will address those risks. The program will also include a system to report any incidents of workplace violence.

V. Reporting and Investigations

A. All employees are responsible for helping to create an environment of mutual respect and dignity for each other as well as for District students and visitors. All employees must follow all District policies, procedures and practices and assist in maintaining a safe and secure work environment.

B. The Workplace Violence Prevention Program Coordinators are:

  • Allen Hyde, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
    New Hartford Central School District
    Phone: (315) 624-1274 Email: ahyde@nhart.org
  • Jennifer Russ, Labor Relations Associate
    New Hartford Central School District
    Phone: 315-624-1019 E-mail: jruss@nhart.org

C. All incidents of violence or threatening behavior will be responded to immediately upon notification. All staff are responsible for notifying the contact person designated above of any violent incidents, threatening behavior, including threats they have witnessed, received, or have been told that another person has witnessed or received.

VI. Remedial Measures When This Policy is Violated

Acts of violence against District employees in the workplace will be thoroughly investigated under this and any other applicable District policy, and appropriate action will be taken. This action may include but is not limited to counseling memorandum, discipline, termination, and/or involving law enforcement authorities when warranted.

VII. Documentation

All incident reports must be retained for five (5) years following the end of the calendar year that the report was made.

VIII. Training

All employees, and all new hires, will participate in annual Workplace Violence Prevention Training Program. Training will include, but not be limited to, the risk factors identified and what employees can do to protect themselves.

IX. Implementation

The Superintendent or designee shall be responsible for creating, maintaining, and implementing a Workplace Violence Prevention Program and any Superintendent Regulations, procedures, or forms necessary to comply with New York State Labor Law §27-b.

X. Notification and Posting

This Policy shall be posted where notices to employees are normally posted

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