Home » Elementary School Handbook

Elementary School Handbook

Dear Parents/Guardians, 

This handbook was compiled in an effort to give parents/guardians and students a better understanding of the elementary schools in the New Hartford Central School District. 

We urge all parents/guardians to: 

  1. Read this handbook carefully. 
  2. Discuss the contents of this booklet with your child. 
  3. Keep the booklet handy during the school year as a reference. 

We have attempted to cover all aspects of elementary school life in this handbook. Should any conditions arise that are not discussed in the handbook, or if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the school in which your child is enrolled. 

We wish you and your child a very productive school year. 

Mission Statement

New Hartford Central School Community (i.e., students, teachers, staff, administrators, Board of Education members, and residents) will ensure a stimulating educational environment where everyone can learn, can succeed and is valued. 

We will enable all students to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to be lifelong learners and productive members of a changing society. 

We are committed to: 

  • A student-focused program 
  • An empowered, motivated and caring school community 
  • Continuous innovation 
  • Integrity 
  • Sensitivity to all 

We will continually strive for excellence.

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Exit Standards

In conjunction with state and local graduation requirements, the three Exit Standards state that New Hartford Central School will graduate students who are: 

  1. Self-Directed Learners 
  2. Collaborative Workers 
  3. Complex Tinkers 

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When In Doubt, Check It Out

If you have questions pertaining to the school district or about your child’s work, please do not hesitate to call. We encourage any and all questions from parents and residents concerning the school program, transportation, budget, etc. In an attempt to respond to your questions and suggestions, it is important to contact the individual person who is responsible for the various areas of the school operation. He or she has the most detailed information about his/her area of responsibility 

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Medical Concerns, K-12

STEP 1 – Building Nurse;
if not resolved, STEP 2 – Head Nurse/Coordinator;
if not resolved; STEP 3 – Building Principal;
if not resolved, STEP 4 – Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs. 

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School Difficulty, K-12

(grades, academic performance, classroom behavior, etc.)

STEP 1 – Classroom teacher/Counselor, Social Worker/Psychologist;
if not resolved, STEP 2 – Building Principal;
if not resolved, STEP 3 – Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction;
if not resolved, STEP 4 – Superintendent. 

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Transportation Concerns – Pickup, Route Problems

STEP 1 – Director of Transportation;
if not resolved, STEP 2 – Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs;
if not resolved, STEP 3 – , Superintendent. 

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Transportation Concerns – Student Discipline

(e.g., student persistently picking on another student)

STEP 1 – Bus Driver;
if not resolved, STEP 2 – Director of Transportation;
if not resolved, STEP 3 – Building Principal;
if not resolved, STEP 4 – Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs;
if not resolved, STEP 5 – Superintendent. 

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Special Education Concerns, K-12

STEP 1 – Special Education Teacher;
if not resolved, STEP 2 – Building Principal;
if not resolved, STEP 3 – Director of Student Services;
if not resolved, STEP 4 – Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction;
if not resolved, STEP 5 – Superintendent. 

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Enrichment Program

STEP 1 – K-6 Tina Klar;
if not resolved, STEP 2 – Building Principal;
if not resolved, STEP 3 – Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction;
if not resolved, STEP 4 – Superintendent. 

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Curriculum (Course) Concerns

STEP 1 – Teacher and/or Counselor;
if not resolved, STEP 2 – Building Principal;
if not resolved, STEP 3 – Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction;
if not resolved, STEP 4 – Superintendent. 

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Budget Concerns

STEP 1 – Mary Mandel, Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs;
if not resolved, STEP 2 – Superintendent

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Athletic Concerns

STEP 1 – Coach;
if not resolved, STEP 2 – Athletic Director;
if not resolved, STEP 3 – Building Principal;
if not resolved, STEP 4 – Superintendent

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Building Use Request

(scheduling events in school facilities)

STEP 1 – Individual Building Offices (Principal);
if not resolved, STEP 2 – Mary Mandel, Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs. 

It is important to follow this step-by-step procedure in order to solve problems. An appeal to the Board of Education may be sought on any of the above issues after all the appropriate steps have been exhausted. It is the primary responsibility of the board to set policy for the school district. The superintendent and his administrative staff are legally empowered to administer the school district and put into operation the policies and decisions of the Board of Education. 

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Elementary School Attendance Zones

  1. Myles Elementary School 
    1. Eastern Boundaries: Henderson Street (south) crossing Old Campion Road. Shopping Center Road to Genesee Street to Jordan Road. Jordan Road from Genesee Street to Paris Road. (Streets noted in boundary definition go to Myles). 
    2. Southern Boundaries: Paris Road west from Jordan Road to Route 12 to Tibbitts Road. Areas west of and including the Pippinwood Development south to Tibbitts Road. (Tibbitts Road is not included in Myles School Attendance Zone). 
    3. North and West Boundaries; District boundary. 
  2. Hughes Elementary School 
    1. Western Boundaries: Area east of Sauquoit Creek to east segment of Kellogg Road. Areas east of Oxford Road and south of Kellogg Road from Tibbitts Road to the District southern boundary. Note: Kellogg Road and Tibbitts Road are in the Bradley Elementary Attendance Zone. 
    2. North, East and South Boundaries: District Boundary. 
  3. Robert L. Bradley Elementary School 
    1. Northern Boundary: From eastern District boundary across Old Campion Road to Shopping Center Road. 
    2. Western Boundary: Shopping Center Road to Genesee Street to Jordan Road (not included) to Paris Road. Areas east of Pippinwood Development and south of Paris Road (including south side of Paris between Compton Road and Jordan) to District boundary at west end of Tibbitts Road. 
    3. Southern Boundary: District boundary. 
    4. Eastern Boundary: Sauquoit Creek, Kellogg Road from Oneida Street to Tibbitts Road to Oxford Road to the District boundary. 
  4. If there is any question about the attendance zone, please call the transportation department. 
  5. Students shall not be allowed to attend an elementary school other than the school intended to serve the area within which the student is domiciled. The only exceptions will be:
    1. a physical or emotional reason as verified by an authority (medical doctor or psychologist, etc.)
    2. placement in a special program
    3. administrative efforts to maintain reasonable class sizes, or
    4. physically handicapped students transported to a “non-barrier” school. 

View the student attendance policy.

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Visitors to the Schools

Persons who are not students or staff must report immediately to the school office when they enter the school building. Student visitors from other schools, unless they have a specific reason and prior approval of the Building Principal, are not permitted to enter school buildings. 

Visitors to the schools of the district shall be governed by the following rules: 

  1. The Building Principal must be contacted by the person or group wishing to visit, and prior approval must be obtained for the visit. 
  2. All visitors must report to the main office, sign in, and be issued a visitor’s permit, which must be displayed at all times. The permit must be returned to the main office, and the visitor must sign out at the conclusion of the visit. 
  3. Parents are encouraged to visit teachers, guidance counselors, school nurses, school psychologists and other support personnel by appointment, in order to discuss any problems or concerns that parents may have regarding the student, whether or not school-related. Parents may visit their children in the cafeteria during lunch time; however, parents are not allowed to go out onto the playground due to security issues. 

The security and safety of students and staff is our primary concern when regulating access to any of our schools. For this reason all exterior doors will be locked with the exception of the entrance which provides access to the building near the main office. Again, all visitors must report to the main office upon entering the building. We appreciate your cooperation in regard to this important matter. 

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Visitor Responsibilities

As a visitor we ask that you respect the teaching and learning setting and be responsible for the following points in order to assure a safe and orderly environment. 

  1. Sign in and out according to building procedures. 
  2. Wear your visitor tag at all times. 
  3. Be prepared to show identification. 
  4. Proceed directly to your destination and only to the places you’ve been signed in to visit. 
  5. Pay attention to the emergency alarm system and follow directions for evacuation given by the School Principal and/or Faculty/Staff. 
  6. Your immediate cooperation is required when building administration and staff deliver a request. 

Your assistance to maintain safety and security for our schools is appreciated. 

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Picking Up Children

Our instructional day runs from 8:50 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

Please try to schedule appointments after this time so that your child’s day will not be interrupted. 

If it is necessary for students to be picked up during the day, parents should send in an excuse in the morning with their children. WHEN PICKING YOUR CHILD UP, PLEASE GO TO THE OFFICE AND SIGN YOUR CHILD OUT. Please do not go to the classroom to pick up your child.

For your child’s safety, the teachers have been instructed not to release anyone unless they are signed out from the office. When children return to school they should stop in the office to notify us of their return. 

Please note: If there are any special considerations or custody issues which would have a bearing as to who may or may not pick up your child, please contact the office. 

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Six Day Schedule

The district follows a six day cycle for all classes. Monday will always be Monday, but on our schedule it may be a day 1, a day 3, or a day 6. At the elementary level, special classes are impacted the most. Your child will be coming home and telling you that gym is on days 1 and 4 instead of Tuesday and Thursday, or music is a day 6 instead of a Friday. The advantage to this cycle is that children with gym, art, and music classes on days when there is no school, will not miss those classes. 

The first day of school is day 1; the second is day 2, etc. No day is missed when vacations or snow days occur. If Wednesday is a day 5 and Thursday is a holiday, then Friday would be a day 6. 

This may sound confusing at first, but your children will quickly get to know the schedule. 

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Curriculum Night

Curriculum Night for all K-6 parents is held in September. Tis is not intended to be a conference night, but an opportunity for teachers to discuss their curriculum and the expectations at each grade level. Students should not be attending this evening. 

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Band, Orchestra, Choir

Rehearsals for the performance groups are held before school on a rotating schedule. Te rehearsals begin at 8:00 a.m. on their designated days of the 6 day cycle. 

On rehearsal days, transportation is available on the high school buses to the students who ordinarily ride the bus. Seats will be reserved in the front of the bus for the elementary students. 

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Punctuality and good attendance are important to your child’s success in school. Parents should make every effort to have their children in school on time every day. School hours are 8:50 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. every day. New York State attendance laws require a written excuse each time a student is tardy or absent from school. A note should accompany the student upon return to school after every absence and tardiness. 

Attendance will be taken at 9:00 a.m. A student arriving after that time will be tardy and will need an excuse, please include your child’s first and last name when submitting an excuse. 

Please Note: Students should not be dropped of at school prior to 8:45 a.m. 

The first bus will arrive at school at approximately 8:45 a.m. The doors to the school will not be open to students before 8:45 a.m. Parents are responsible for their children outside of the school. The school does not take responsibility for students until the first bus arrives. 

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Phone Calls Home

On occasion it is necessary for a student to call home because something has been forgotten, etc. We try to keep these calls to a minimum, but do allow calls on an emergency basis. 

Students will not be allowed to use the school phone to make after school arrangements. These arrangements should be made the night before. 

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Behavior Expectations

We are looking forward to a very exciting and rewarding year, and we want to provide our students with the excellent educational climate they deserve. Since rules do three things:

  1. They tell people what they can do
  2. They tell people what they cannot do, and
  3. They make it possible for people to live and work together. 

We have developed the following discipline plan that will be in effect at all times: 

School Rules 

  1. Students must walk through the halls in a quiet and orderly manner. 
  2. Students must show respect for adults, peers, and school property. 
  3. Students must keep hands, feet, and other objects to themselves and away from others. 
  4. Students must be prepared with assignments, and supplies for all classes. 
  5. Abusive and discourteous language and/or gestures will not be tolerated at any time. 
  6. Wearing of hats, gum chewing, and/or electronic devices will not be allowed in the school. 
  7. Jewelry cannot be worn during physical education classes – no exceptions. 
  8. Electronic devices, including cell phones, should not be brought to school. 

Playground Rules

  1. Students will be confined to definite areas during recess. 
  2. Students will stay away from classroom windows, and from between the wings of school. 
  3. Students will be expected to play in a safe manner and use all equipment as intended. 
  4. Students must follow directions of the playground monitors. 

Cafeteria Rules 

  1. Students must walk into and move quietly in the cafeteria. 
  2. Saving of seats or moving chairs will not be permitted. 
  3. Food will be consumed in the cafeteria. Food will not be thrown. 
  4. Students are expected to use pleasant, quiet conversation. 
  5. Students must ask permission to leave their table. 
  6. Students must clean their table, and their immediate surrounding area, and push in their chairs before leaving the cafeteria. 
  7. Students must follow directions of cafeteria personnel. 

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Referral to Principal (penalties noted)

Te practice in the New Hartford Central School District is early identification and resolution of discipline problems. Strategies employed would be appropriate and progressive. Options may include, but are not limited to: 

  • Verbal warning 
  • Lunch detention 
  • Letter or call to parent 
  • Of ce detention 
  • After-school detention 
  • In-school suspension 
  • Out-of-school suspension 

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Reporting to Parents

Report cards are issued in November, February, April and June. As part of our reporting process, a parent/teacher conference will be incorporated as part of the November report. 

Parent-teacher conferences are an important element in reporting student progress to parents. Time permits only a limited number of conferences on days which are set aside for this purpose. Therefore, parents and teachers should schedule meetings in advance. 

Parents may initiate a conference by calling the school of ce and making an appointment with the teacher, or building principal. When a parent requests a conference with a teacher, the teacher will make every ef ort to arrange a mutually convenient time. 

If a parent cannot attend a scheduled conference, he/she should notify the school as far in advance as possible so that another conference time may be arranged. 

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Family Vacations

We encourage you to try and coordinate your family vacations with our school calendar. If it is necessary for parents to take their children out of school for a family trip, we ask that you not request assignments in advance. Though intentions may be good, there is a direct link between classroom instruction and the independent work that children are expected to do. Classroom discussions, science experiments/observations, sharing, and the specific directions given for lessons will be missed. Teachers will keep a folder during your child’s absence with work to be completed upon his/her return. 

As professional educators, we feel that children who miss school should engage in academic tasks that reinforce and strengthen skills already in place. We suggest that students read books at their independent reading level, consistently practice their computational skills, and keep a detailed, written journal of their daily travels and activities. 

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Bus Safety

Teachers will be reviewing the bus rules in class. Please take the time to also go over these rules with your children and let them know what your expectations are. Students should know that repeated misbehaving on the school bus will lead to bus suspension. Listed below are the rules that are posted on all buses. 

  1. Observe same conduct as in the classroom. 
  2. Be courteous, use no profane language. 
  3. Do not eat or drink on the bus. 
  4. Keep the bus clean. 
  5. Cooperate with the bus driver. 
  6. Do not smoke. 
  7. Do not be destructive. 
  8. Stay in your seat. 
  9. Keep head, hands and feet inside the bus. 
  10. Bus driver is authorized to assign seats. 

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Emergency Drills

To ensure a safe evacuation of the building in the event that an emergency should arise, eight fire drills are held throughout the school year as mandated by the state. In addition, lockdown drills and an evacuation drill are conducted each year. An emergency bus drill is also conducted each year for all students in the event that an emergency should arise on the school bus. 

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Emergency School Closings

The Superintendent of Schools may close the school or dismiss students/staff early when hazardous weather or other emergencies threaten health or safety. 

Parents are requested to avoid calling school on days of poor weather; it is important to keep school phone lines open. School closings and delayed starting times will be announced over local radio and television stations.

The following television/radio stations, as well as websites, will carry information regarding emergency closings: 


  • WODZ 96.1 FM
  • WOUR 96.9 FM
  • WLZW 98.7 FM
  • WUMX 102.5 FM
  • WFRG 104.3 FM
  • HOT 107.9 FM 
  • WTLB 13.10 AM
  • WRNY 13.50 AM
  • WIXT 12.30 AM
  • WSYR 570 AM
  • WIBX 95.0 AM 


  • WKTV – Channel 2
  • WIXT – Channel 9
  • WUTR – Channel 20
  • NBC 3 Action News
  • WTVH – Channel 5
  • Time Warner Cable News – Channel 10

If no report is heard, it can be assumed the schools are opening on time. 

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Code of Conduct for the Maintenance of Public Order on School Property and at School Functions 

  1. The District establishes this Code of Conduct for the Maintenance of Public Order on School Property and at School Functions to govern the conduct of students, teachers and other school personnel, and visitors. This Code of Conduct has been developed consistent with the Safe Schools Against Violence in Education Act (Chapter 181 of the Laws of 2000) and Section 100.2 of the implementing Commissioners Regulations and in collaboration with student, teacher, administrators and parent organizations, school safety personnel, and other school personnel. (BOE Policy 1010) 
  2. For the purposes of this policy, a school function is defined as any event, occurring on or of school property, sanctioned or approved by the school, including but not limited to, offsite athletic events, school dances, plays, musical productions, field trips or other school-sponsored trips. 
  3. The standards established in this document have been developed for District-wide use, but due to unique differences of each school, procedures at the local school level may vary. These local school procedures, however, shall be in keeping with and not in conflict with the guidelines set forth in this plan. 

The Role of Students & Parents/Guardians 

Role of Students:

It shall be the responsibility of the student to: 

  1. Be aware of and obey school rules and regulations. 
  2. Accept responsibility for one’s own actions. 
  3. Respect the rights of others, including the right to secure an education in an environment that is orderly and disciplined. 
  4. Attend school regularly and punctually. 
  5. Take advantage of the academic opportunities offered at school. 
  6. Support and participate in school activities. 
  7. Maintain habits of personal cleanliness. 
  8. Respect school property. 
  9. Strive for mutually respectful relationships with teachers and administrators, recognizing their role as surrogate parent in matters of behavior and discipline. 
  10. Contribute toward establishing and maintaining an atmosphere that generates mutual respect and dignity for all. 
  11. Be informed regarding student rights and responsibilities and comply with all rules and regulations of this policy. 

Role of Parents/Guardians:

To achieve a cooperative, wholesome relationship between home and school that is essential to each student’s successful development and achievement, it shall be the responsibility of parents/guardians to: 

  1. Send their child to school as required by the New York State Education Law. 
  2. Insist on prompt and regular attendance. 
  3. Make certain that all absences are properly excused. 
  4. Provide for their child’s health, personal cleanliness and suitable grooming and dress. 
  5. Guide their child from the earliest years to develop acceptable behavior, to exercise self-control and to be accountable for their actions. 
  6. Teach their child respect for law, for the authority of the school, and for the rights and property of others. 
  7. Know, understand, and support the rules their child is expected to observe at school; to be aware of the consequences for any violation of these rules; and to accept legal responsibility for their child’s action. 
  8. Instill in their child a desire to learn by providing a place conducive for study and ensuring completion of homework assignments. 
  9. Demonstrate an enthusiastic and supportive attitude toward school and education by becoming acquainted with their child’s school, its staff, curriculum and activities and by attending parent-teacher conferences and school functions. 

Strategies and Procedures for the Maintenance and Enforcement of Public Order on School Property 


The following rules and regulations are adopted for the maintenance of public order on District property and provide a program for enforcement. Tese rules shall apply to any individual on school property and/or at school functions (as defined by Section I (B)) including students, school personnel, and visitors. 

Prohibited Content

No person, either singly or in concert with others, shall: 

  1. Willfully threaten or cause physical injury to any other person. 
  2. Willfully damage or destroy property of the District, or remove or use such property without authorization. 
  3. Without permission, expressed or implied, enter into any private office of an administrative officer, faculty member or staff member. This prohibition does not apply to law enforcement officers or individuals designated by the Superintendent to conduct lawful investigations of alleged misconduct.
  4. Other than student or employee, enter a classroom or the building beyond the administrative office without written permission of the Superintendent or his designee. Parents of students (who are not prohibited by being in their child’s classroom by court order) need not obtain written permission from the Superintendent or designee. However, such individuals must be invited by the classroom teacher and must check in with the Building Principal’s office upon arrival and departure. 
  5. Enter the building and/or school grounds during regular hours before registering at the school office. Trespassing on school property or in the school building is a violation of the Penal Code of New York State. Individuals who trespass may be arrested. 
  6. Enter upon and remain in any building or facility for any purpose other than for authorized uses, or in such manner as to obstruct its authorized use by others. 
  7. Without authorization, remain in any building or facility after it is normally closed. 
  8. Refuse to leave any building or facility after being requested to do so by an authorized administrator. 
  9. Obstruct the free movement of persons and vehicles in any place to which these rules apply. 
  10. Deliberately disrupt or prevent the peaceful and orderly conduct of classes, lectures and meetings, or deliberately interfere with any person who desires to express his views, including invited speakers. 
  11. Have in his possession upon any premises to which these rules apply, any knife, shotgun, pistol, revolver, or other firearm or weapon without the written authorization of the Superintendent or designee, whether or not a license to possess the same has been issued to such person. 
  12. Possess, consume, sell or exchange alcoholic beverages or illegal substances on school properties. 
  13. Distribute or post any written material, pamphlet or poster without the prior written approval of the Superintendent. This should not be construed as conflicting with any rights conferred on staff members by contract or law. 
  14. Using in either words, clothing or signs profane, lewd, vulgar or abusive language or words which may incite or of end another person; or could be construed with gang affiliation; or constitute a health or safety hazard (including clothing that promotes the sale or use of alcohol, tobacco and/or controlled substances) or a substantial disruption or material interference with the mission, work or discipline of the school community. 
  15. Urge or incite, guard, protect, aid or abet others in the commission of any of the acts herein prohibited. 
  16. Violate any law or Board Policy. 
  17. Use tobacco on school grounds. New Hartford Schools are Smoke Free. 
  18. Discrimination as defined by Board Policy 0015. 

Penalties and Procedures: 

In the case of a violation of this section or any other provision of this code of conduct: 

  1. Any individual authorized to be on school premises or at a school function (other than students or staff) who violates the rules of this code will be directed to leave the premises or function. In the event of his/her failure or refusal to do so, the Superintendent or designee shall cause his/her ejection from such property. 
  2. In the case of any unauthorized individual who is on school property or at a school function, the Superintendent or designee shall inform the individual that he/she is not authorized to remain and direct him/her to leave such premises. In the event of his/her failure to do so, the Superintendent or designee shall cause his/her ejection from such property. Nothing in this section should be construed as authorizing the presence of any such person at any time, nor affect his/her liability for prosecution for trespassing, loitering, etc., as prescribed by Penal Law. 

Procedures to Inform Law Enforcement Officials of a Crime and Filing Criminal/Juvenile Delinquency Complaints 

  1. Any individual who believes that he/she has witnessed crime either on school premises or at a school function should report it to the appropriate Building Principal or his/her designee. The Principal/designee will gather the necessary information to determine whether he/she believes that a crime has been committed. If so, the appropriate local law enforcement agency will be contacted immediately. If not, the Principal/designee will take whatever disciplinary steps may be necessary, consistent with this Code of Conduct. These procedures should be followed in all circumstances except for reporting “child abuse in an educational setting” where the procedure for reporting such incidents is set forth in the statute. 
  2. If, in consultation with the local law enforcement agency, the school district is deemed the appropriate entity to file a criminal/juvenile delinquency complaint against the code violator, the appropriate school official (e.g., Building Principal) will be expected to file such a complaint. Where the victim of the crime is an individual, whether a student, teacher, staff member, visitor, etc., the crime victim will be strongly encouraged to file such a complaint.

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Acceptable Use Policy for Network and Internet Access

The passage of the 2000 Children’s Internet Protection Act requires all schools that receive Universal Service (E-Rate) Funds to use a technology protection measure that blocks or filters Internet access.

Specifically it must:

  1. Block access to visual depictions that are obscene or child pornography when computers are used by adults.
  2. Blocks access to visual depictions that are obscene or child pornography and considered harmful to minors when computers are used by someone under the age of 17.

The Children’s Internet Protection Act does permit the use of a technology protection measure:

  1. That can be configured for use by either adults or minors.
  2. That can be disabled during use by an adult for a bona fide research or lawful purpose.

In compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act, all work stations in the district must be configured and enabled with Internet filtering as the default setting. The option for an authorized override will be made available for use by an adult for a bona fide research or lawful purpose.

The Children’s Internet Protection Act requires that schools must ‘provide reasonable public notice and hold at least one public hearing or meeting to address the proposed Internet safety policy.’

The New Hartford Central School District will hold at least one public hearing or meeting to address any proposed changes in the Acceptable Use Policy Network and Internet Access.

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Protection of Network Resources

View the Protection of Network Resources

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Administrative Regulation

  1. Terms and Conditions of Use
    1. All use of the network and technology resources must be in support of education and research and consistent with the Purposes of New Hartford Central Schools.
    2. Users will not disclose their passwords to others or use the passwords of others.
    3. Users shall not intentionally seek information on, obtain copies of, or modify files, other data, or passwords belonging to other users, or misrepresent other users on the network.
    4. Users will not attempt to obtain unauthorized access to any account or network function or access level other than those specifically provided for their use.
    5. Users are not to install software of any type (including games, utilities, control panels or extensions) on any computer or file server without permission from the building technology coordinator or network support personnel.
    6. Users are not to change security, control panel or other soft ware settings without permission from the building technology coordinator or network support personnel.
    7. Users are not to store or install new software which has the potential to damage the integrity and/or security of the network on any computers or fi le servers.
    8. Users will not damage, disable, or otherwise interfere with the operation of computers, computer systems, software or related equipment through physical action or by electronic means.
    9. Malicious use of the network to develop programs that harass other users or infiltrate a computer or computing system and/or damage the software components of a computer system is prohibited.
    10. Students are required to log all connections completely in all open access areas.
    11. Users will not use the computer network to obtain, download, send, print, display or otherwise gain access to or to transmit materials that are unlawful, obscene, pornographic, or abusive.
    12. Users will not store, install, upload, or download materials which infringe on the rights of others, including but not limited to, software programs, music, designs, and all kinds of literary and artistic works, nor will they use software not provided by the New Hartford Central School District.
    13. Students will not give personal information, such as their address or phone number to those with whom they correspond via electronic mail.
    14. Mail from News groups and LISTS must be monitored daily and deleted from the personal mail directory to avoid excessive use of file server hard disk space.
    15. All electronic mail (e-mail) is not guaranteed to be private. People who operate the message system do have access to any mail. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities may be reported to the authorities.
    16. The New Hartford Central School District reserves the right to log Internet use and to monitor file serve space utilization by users while respecting the privacy of user accounts.
    17. Any use of the network for commercial or for-profit purposes is prohibited.
    18. Extensive use of the network for personal and private business is prohibited.
    19. Unauthorized use of the network for product advertisement or political lobbying is prohibited.
    20. From time to time, the New Hartford Central School’s TIC and TAC Committees will make determinations on whether specific uses of the network are consistent with the Acceptable Use Policy.
    21. New Hartford Central Schools reserves the right to temporarily remove a user account on the network to prevent further unauthorized activity.
    22. The New Hartford Central School District makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing. The New Hartford Central School District will not be responsible for any damages incurred. This includes loss of data (resulting from delays, incomplete or incorrect deliveries) or service interruptions caused by negligence, errors or omissions. Te New Hartford Central School District specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its services.
    23. All students in fourth, seventh and tenth grades will be required to attend an ‘Internet Right to Know’ awareness session in which the District’s Network and Internet Acceptable Use Policy will be reviewed and its implications discussed.
    24. Users are reminded that use of the network is a privilege, not a right.
  2. Sanctions
    1. Violations may result in a loss of access. Users involved will
    2. be informed of the nature of these violations, and will have an opportunity to respond to them.
    3. Additional disciplinary action may be determined at the building level in line with existing practice regarding inappropriate language or behavior.
    4. Users may be required to make full financial restitution.
    5. When applicable, law enforcement agencies may be involved.

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New Hartford Central School Health Services

The functions of the school health services are to make sure each child is physically and emotionally ready to receive the benefits of education, to protect against the spread of contagious disease, to care for medical emergencies that may arise, and to consult with school administrators, teachers, parents, and health care providers on health matters.


Proof of immunizations is mandated by New York State in order for a child to be admitted to school.


The parent is the best judge of whether or not the child is ill. We encourage parents to keep the child at home if he/she is sick or if there are symptoms that indicate an illness may be beginning.

In any case, if your child is ill, please call the attendance office between 8:00 and 9:30 a.m.

Health conditions that warrant exclusion from school, but are not limited to:

  • Chicken Pox
  • Measles
  • Fever greater than 100
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Lice and Scabies

The following before treatment for 24 hours:

  • Strep Throat
  • Pinkeye
  • Impetigo

Any condition in which sound medical/nursing judgment determines that attendance in school would jeopardize the health of the school population or the student concerned. It is recommended your child remain home 24 hours fever free without medication before returning to school.


Depending on their grade level, and NYS Guideline, your child may visit the Health Office for the following screenings:

  • Height and Weight
  • Scoliosis
  • Vision
  • Hearing
  • Illness

Any findings that are not within normal limits will be reported in writing to the parents/guardian. Te form sent to you should be returned to the nurse after your child has been checked by his/her doctor.

We encourage parents and teachers to refer any student they feel might be having vision or hearing difficulties, even if the child has already been tested.

Dental Certificate

As of September 2008, students enrolling in grades K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 and new students are requested to have a dental health certificate.

Physical Exams

NY State Education Law requires physical examinations of children when they:

  • Enter the school district for the first time (including K)
  • Are in grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11
  • Participate in interscholastic sports
  • Need working papers
  • Each physical needs to include the students BMI (body mass index) and weight status category

We encourage you to have this done by your family physician, as he/she is most familiar with your child’s health history. A physical exam form is provided by the school if you choose to see your own doctor. T is report should be submitted within 30 days from the start of school. Physicals completed within the last 12 months are acceptable; physicals must be by a NYS doctor.

To help you meet this state requirement, our school nurse practitioner will be conducting physical exams periodically during the school year.

If you would like your child to have a school physical exam, please call to advise the nurse or have your child sign up when announcements are made. When any condition is found that may need further attention, parents will be notified in writing and a form will be provided to be completed by your doctor.

Physicals are announced prior to the date to allow students to sign up. Notices are sent home to inform parents should they choose the school physician.

Parents should sign the form and return it to the school nurse with their choice. If no form or physical is returned, the student will be scheduled for a physical with the school physician.


NY State law requires that if a child must receive medication during school hours the following procedures must be followed (medications include all prescriptions and nonprescription medications). Please note that we do not stock any medications.

Parents must submit the following for dispensing medications in school:

  1. A written statement from the parent/guardian requesting administration of the specific medication in school, as ordered by the physician.
  2. A written order from the licensed prescriber including:
    1. Student’s name and date of birth
    2. Reason for medication (diagnosis)
    3. Name of medication, route and dosage
    4. Time of administration
    5. Relevant side effects
  3. The parent/guardian must assume responsibility to have
    the medication delivered directly to the health office in the ORIGINAL CONTAINER. We recommend asking your pharmacist for 2 containers, so you can also have one at home. If your child needs to carry the medicine with him/her, this must be stated by the physician.

Medical Treatment

All medical treatments required in school, including crutches, require medical authorization.

The school nurse is unable to administer medications without ALL of the required information described. A medication administration form is available from the nurse’s office. Please do not send your child in with a pill in a baggie! The nurse is unable to accept it.

Student Absences and Excuses

Each absence must be accounted for. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to notify the nurse’s or main office in your child’s school on the morning of the absence.

It is essential that parents/guardians provide a written excuse for each absence. Such excuse should contain the reason and date of absence and be presented to the homeroom teacher as soon as a student returns to classes.

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Annual Notification of Rights

The New Hartford Central School District shall annually disseminate a notice to parents and students of their rights relative to student records, in such a manner that parents and students will be informed of the contents of such notice.

The New Hartford Central School District declares that it will not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, age, national origin, qualified disability, marital status or any other human difference with regard to employment conditions of staff, opportunity and programs offered to students, the District’s relationship with the public, establishment of educational programs and services, access to facilities, programs and services, and with individuals with whom the District does business.

Inquiries regarding this nondiscrimination policy may be directed to:

Mr. Allen Hyde
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
New Hartford Central School District
33 Oxford Road
New Hartford, NY 13413
Telephone: (315) 624-1275

Notification of Rights Under FERPA

Parents or eligible students have a right to inspect and review any and all education records according to the Federal “Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.”

Such parents and eligible students are also entitled to an opportunity for a hearing to challenge the content of such records, to insure that they are not inaccurate, misleading or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights, and to provide an opportunity for the correction or deletion of any such inaccurate, misleading or otherwise inappropriate data contained therein. Any questions concerning the procedure to be followed in requesting such a hearing should be directed to the Student Records Access Officer.

Student records, and any material contained therein which is personally identifiable, are confidential and may not be released or made available to persons other than parents or students without the consent of such parents or eligible student. There are a number of exceptions to this rule, such as other school employees and officials, and certain State and Federal officials, who have a legitimate educational need for access to such records in the course of their employment.

Relevant health information necessary for educational planning and student safety can be shared among school personnel who serve the student.

Parents or eligible students have the right to file with the U.S. Department of Education a complaint concerning alleged failures by the New Hartford Central School District to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

A copy of the New Hartford Central School District’s Student Records Access Policy may be requested from the Office of the Records Access Officer.

The New Hartford Central School District designates the following information as directory information:

“Directory Information” shall mean and include the following: student’s name, parent’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received and the most recent previous educational agency attended and photograph.

When making public directory information, the New Hartford Central School District shall give annual public notice as to the type of information to be made public and shall allow thirty (30) days after such notice for a parent to inform the school that any or all information designated shall not be released.


The District has designated the following information as directory information: student’s name, address, telephone, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received and the most recent previous educational agency attended.

FERPA also grants you the right to inspect, review and request a hearing to possibly correct or delete parts of any education record that is inaccurate, misleading or in violation of your child’s rights. For a copy of the District’s FERPA policy and regulations or for more information about the District’s procedure for administering your FERPA rights, please contact:

Mrs. Pamela Smoulcey
Director of Student Services
New Hartford Central School District
9499 Weston Road
New Hartford, NY 13413
Telephone: (315) 738-9311

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We Believe

  1. All people should be treated with respect.
  2. Trust, caring and nurturing should pervade the
  3. entire community.
  4. All people should be responsible for their actions.
  5. Rewards and consequences for actions should be applied consistently and fairly within the entire school community.
  6. Learning is possible for all. When failure occurs it should be treated as only a temporary setback.
  7. Students vary in the amount of time required to learn; therefore, time should be adjusted accordingly.
  8. Consistent energy and resources should be directed toward student success.
  9. When appropriate, learning should be cooperative
  10. in nature.
  11. While recognizing that learning is not finite, students should know what they are to learn, why they should learn it, how they will learn it and how they will be evaluated.
  12. Students should be provided the opportunity to participate in all district programs; standards will be maintained.
  13. In order to progress and enhance a program, it is important to take reasonable risks. Change and renewal should be based on research, knowledge and local experience.
  14. Actions should be consistent with the mission, beliefs and desired standards.

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