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Summary of 2022 EEC Meetings

March 9, 2022

April 20, 2022


  • Develop a Board of Education Equity policy
  • Conduct an “Equity Audit” in 2022-23
  • Create an action plan based on the audit

May 16, 2022

  • Presentation/discussion led by Dr. Luvelle Brown, Ithaca City School District Superintendent
  • Formed smaller working groups

June 8, 2022

  • Overview/discussion on No Place for Hate
  • Review of preliminary school data (graduation, test scores, AP enrollment, absenteeism)
  • Presentation from Elizabeth Cavic, NH Alum of Color Association

August 10, 2022

  • Introduced updated group norms
  • Feedback from working groups and Diversity Symposium
  • Developed priority list for 2022-23 school year

Recommendations (draft)

  • Conduct a third-party student climate survey
  • Create a Student Equity Advisory Council
  • Provide reports of bias-related incidents and discipline
  • Develop a communications plan for equity-related information to community (e.g. NYSED CR-SE briefs)
  • Survey families and community members
  • Identify additional consultants and explore hiring equity administrator

September 13, 2022

  • Reviewed Alum of Color Association recommendations
  • Reviewed/discussed August recommendations list and added an item for district to respond to Alum of Color recommendations
  • Members are to rank their “priorities” based on the list
  • Awaiting district response to EEC recommendations and determination of next steps
  • Presented EEC overview to the BOE on Sept. 20, 2022