Aug. 21, 2024
The New Hartford Board of Education is in the process of searching for the next New Hartford Central School District Superintendent of Schools.
In June, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Cosimo Tangorra, Jr. announced that he will be retiring and his last day with the district will be March 4, 2025.
During a special board meeting on Aug. 15, the board voted unanimously to appoint Patricia N. Kilburn, Ed.D., District Superintendent of Oneida-Herkimer-Madison (OHM) BOCES to serve as a consultant to assist the board in their selection process of a new school superintendent.
The New Hartford Central School District is a component district of OHM BOCES, which offers a variety of educational programs and services, including consultation.
Dr. Kilburn met with the board to discuss how a superintendent search is conducted, what to expect during the process, approximate timelines and what her role will be. She will help the board gather feedback from stakeholders, market and advertise to recruit candidates, conduct screening interviews, and vet candidates.

As part of the superintendent search, students, staff, parents and community members will have the opportunity to provide feedback. The feedback will be used to develop a guiding statement that will direct the board during their search and interview efforts and help ensure the board’s decisions align with the priorities identified by the district’s many stakeholders.
The search process could take several months to complete before the board hires and appoints a superintendent.
The next regularly scheduled board meeting is Sept. 10 at 6:30 p.m. in the Bradley Elementary School library located at 33 Oxford Road.