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Academic Intervention Services Plan


In July, 1999, the New York State Board of Regents adopted revisions to Part 100 of the Commissioner’s Regulations to align regulations with new policy relating to standards, assessments and graduation requirements. Section 100.2 (ee) requires school districts to provide academic intervention services to students who score below the state-designated performance level on state assessments and/or who are at risk of not achieving the state learning standards.  In July, 2016, the Board of Regents amended Part 100.2 regarding the methodology by which school districts identify students in grades 3-8 to receive Academic Intervention Services (AIS).

Definition of Academic Intervention Services (AIS) | Eligibility | Parental Notification and Involvement | AIS in Reading/ELA Grades K – 6 | AIS in Math Grades K – 6 | AIS Grades 7 – 9 | AIS Grades 10-12 | Helpful Links

Definition of Academic Intervention Services (AIS)

Academic Intervention Services are those services designed to help students achieve the learning standards in English Language Arts and mathematics in grades K-12 and social studies and science in grades 4-12. These services include two components:

  1. additional instruction that supplements the general curriculum (regular classroom instruction);  and/or
  2. student support services needed to address barriers to improved academic performance. These support services could include, but are not limited to, the following:
    • guidance services
    • counseling services
    • study skills enhancement
    • assessments
    • diagnostic screening for vision, learning and physical difficulties
    • services to improve attendance
    • coordination of services provided by agencies

Several scheduling options are available to the school districts for the purpose of providing academic intervention services. Such options include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • extended school day, i.e. beyond the regular school day and/or school year
  • extra periods/time during the school day (i.e. utilization of study halls)
  • before-school sessions
  • after-school sessions
  • summer school
  • evening sessions

Student support services must commence no later than the beginning of the semester following a determination that a student needs such services.

The provision of academic services shall continue until a student’s performance:

  • meets or exceeds the state designated performance level on the next state assessments; or
  • is shown likely to meet or exceed the state designated performance level on the next state assessment through achievement on the district-selected instruments.

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Eligibility for Academic Intervention Services

Students eligible for AIS, including those with disabilities and/or limited English proficiency, are:

  • those who score below the designated performance levels on elementary, intermediate and commencement-level state assessments in English language arts, mathematics, social studies and science; and/or
  • students who are limited English proficient and do not meet performance standards in English; and/or
  • students enrolled in a bilingual program who do not meet performance standards in their native language.

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Parental Notification and Involvement

The parent(s) or the person(s) in parental relation to the student must be notified in writing, by the building principal, that his/her child will be receiving academic intervention services. Such notice must be provided in English and translated, when appropriate, into a parent’s native language.

The written notification must include the following:

  • a summary of the academic services to be provided
  • the reason the student needs such services
  • the consequences of not achieving the expected performance levels

Written parental notification shall also be provided, by the principal, when academic intervention services will be discontinued. The written notification shall include the following:

  • the criteria for ending service
  • the performance levels obtained on district-selected assessments, if appropriate; and
  • be translated, where appropriate, into the native language of the parent(s)

Districts are required to provide ongoing communication to the parent(s) or person(s) in parental relation to the student receiving academic intervention services. The parent(s) shall be provided an opportunity to consult with the student’s regular classroom teacher(s) and other staff providing academic intervention services, at least once per semester. Parents shall also be provided with reports on the student’s progress at least once each quarter.

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Academic Intervention Services (AIS) in Reading/ELA Placement/Exit Criteria Grades K – 6


Kindergarten students will receive AIS Reading services if their composite score on the Mid-year DIBELS benchmark is at the 20th percentile or below.

Kindergarten Description of Services: Reading/ELA small-group intervention will be provided by an AIS Reading teacher in addition to the interventions provided by the classroom teacher.  Students will receive services a minimum of 3 times per 6-day cycle.

Kindergarten Exit Criteria: Kindergarten students will exit AIS Reading services in September of first grade if they meet grade-level proficiency.

Grades 1-6:

Students in grades 1-6 will be considered for AIS Reading in the fall if they score:

  • Well Below according to the DIBELS Benchmark Assessment Composite score indicated by RED for both fall and spring administration 
  • OR a combination of one “well below” and ONE “below” in Spring of previous school year and Fall of current school year will be considered with a look at cut scores for iReady Spring score of previous school year

Students in grades 1-6 will be considered for AIS Reading during the school year if they perform well below benchmark on at least two of the following measures:

  • iReady
  • Fundations Unit Tests (Gr. K-3)
  • New York State ELA Assessments (Gr. 4-6)

Classroom teachers should bring these students to CST for consideration.

Exit Criteria For new school year: If students who received AIS Reading at the end of the 2023-2024 school year don’t meet the entrance criteria for AIS consideration after the Fall administration of the DIBELS assessment, they will be released from AIS services. 

For DURING the school year: Students will be considered for release from AIS services during the school year if they show significant growth on the following benchmark measures:

  • iReady
  • Fundations Unit Tests (Gr. K-3)

This decision should be a team decision made by the AIS provider, classroom teacher, and principal.

Description of Services:  Reading/ELA small-group intervention will be provided by an AIS Reading teacher in addition to the interventions provided by the classroom teacher.  Students will receive services a minimum of 3 times per 6-day cycle.

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Academic Intervention Services (AIS) in Math Placement/Exit Criteria Grades K – 6


Screen all kindergarten students with Kindergarten Numeracy Readiness Screener during first couple weeks of school to help target push-in support.

3 topic tests (Topics 2-4) – at least 2 out of 3 tests with score of 2 or below (adjusted rubric score) should be brought to CST for AIS consideration.

Description of Services:  Math small-group intervention, focusing on foundational skills, will be provided by an AIS Math teacher in addition to interventions provided by the classroom teacher. Kindergarten students will receive services a minimum of 3 times per six-day cycle.

Exit Criteria:  Kindergarten students will exit AIS Math services in September of first grade if they meet grade-level proficiency.

Grade 1

Students will be placed in AIS math in the fall based on meeting 2 of the 3 following criteria by scoring:

2 or below on the previous grade level’s EOY testBelow scale score of 350 on Spring 2024 iReady Math DiagnosticBelow scale score of 347 on Fall 2024 iReady Math Diagnostic
Grade 2

Students will be placed in AIS math in the fall based on meeting 2 of the 3 following criteria by scoring:

2 or below on the previous grade level’s EOY testBelow scale score of 383 on Spring 2024 iReady Math DiagnosticBelow scale score of 387 on Fall 2024 iReady Math Diagnostic
Grade 3

Students will be placed in AIS math in the fall based on meeting 2 of the 3 following criteria by scoring:

2 or below on the previous grade level’s EOY testBelow scale score of 416 on Spring 2024 iReady Math DiagnosticBelow scale score of 413 on Fall 2024 iReady Math Diagnostic
Grade 4

Students will be placed in AIS math in the fall based on meeting 2 of the 3 following criteria:

Below 2 on the previous grade level’s EOY testBelow scale score of 440 on Spring 2024 iReady Math DiagnosticBelow scale score of 434 on Fall 2024 iReady Math Diagnostic
Grade 5

Students will be placed in AIS math in the fall based on meeting 2 of the 3 following criteria:

Below 2 on the previous grade level’s EOY testBelow scale score of 457 on Spring 2024 iReady Math DiagnosticBelow scale score of 450 on Fall 2024 iReady Math Diagnostic
Grade 6

Students will be placed in AIS math in the fall based on meeting 2 of the 3 following criteria:

Below 2 on the previous grade level’s EOY testBelow scale score of 468 on Spring 2024 iReady Math DiagnosticBelow scale score of 465 on Fall 2024 iReady Math Diagnostic

Exit Criteria:  Students may exit during a semester if they score 3 or above on three consecutive tests.

Description of Services:  Math small-group intervention, focusing on foundational skills, will be provided by an AIS Math teacher in addition to interventions provided by the classroom teacher. Students will receive services a minimum of 3 times per six-day cycle.

Entrance into AIS Math during the school year:

Grades 1-3: Throughout the year, if a student scores 2 or below on three out of four consecutive topic tests, the teacher may present the student’s data to CST for possible placement in AIS Math.

Grades 4-5:  Throughout the year, if a student scores below 2 on three out of four consecutive topic tests, the teacher may present the student’s data to CST for possible placement in AIS Math.

Grade 6: Throughout the year, if a student scores below 2 on two consecutive topic tests, the teacher may present the student’s data to CST for possible placement in AIS Math.

AIS Math Monitoring:  AIS services may be reduced or eliminated when a student meets the exit criteria during the school year.  The student will be monitored for a period of 6 to 8 weeks by the AIS math provider and the classroom teacher.  The duration of the monitoring period will be determined by the AIS provider, the classroom teacher, and the building principal.  Parents will be notified by the AIS math provider when a student is being monitored.

If the student demonstrates need during the monitoring period, AIS math support will be reinstated, as determined by the AIS math provider, the classroom teacher, and the building principal.  Students who do not demonstrate need for AIS math support while being monitored will be exited at the end of the monitoring period.  Parents will be notified of any change in AIS math services, including exit from services, by the AIS math provider.

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Academic Intervention Services (AIS) Placement/Exit Criteria Grades 7 – 9

Content Area(s): ELA & Math
  • Based on NYS assessment for grades 6, 7, or 8:
  • End of the year School Report Card
  • Recommendation (where applicable)

Students entering 7th grade that score a level 1 or 2 on the NYS Assessment

Students will be placed in AIS if they meet the following criteria:

  • End of the Year Report Card is a level 1 or 2

Students entering 8th and 9th grade that score a 1 or (below the median score) level 2 on the NYS Assessment

Students will be placed in AIS if they meet 2 out of the 3 criteria:

  • Previous end of the year overall grade in subject area is below a 75
  • Previous end of the year exam in subject area is below a 75
  • Previous end of the year teacher recommendation

Students entering 8th and 9th grade that score (above the median score) level 2 on the NYS Assessment

Students will be placed in AIS if they meet all of the following criteria:

  • Previous end of the year overall grade in subject area is below a 75
  • Previous end of the year exam in subject area is below a 75
  • Previous end of the year teacher recommendation
  • Student(s) who exit AIS will be monitored annually unless requested by student, parent or teacher.
  • Each new school year will use the entrance criteria for placing students into AIS services.
  • Teachers, parents, and students who would like consideration for a student to be removed from Academic Intervention Services during the school year must meet the following requirements:
    ❏ Overall Average of 80% or above in related class
    ❏ Benchmark/exam grade – 75% or above
    ❏ Teacher recommendation

    These considerations will be reviewed quarterly.  Students must meet all minimum requirements to be exited from AIS.
  • Any student who exits from an AIS placement during the school year will be placed on a monitoring status for the next quarter.

Monitor Status

  • Students who are on a monitoring status must maintain a quarterly average of 80% in a related class or will be placed back into AIS.

Appeal Process

  • A student or parent that wishes to appeal the AIS placement must do the following to be considered for monitor status:
    ❏ Schedule meeting with principal and counselor
    ❏ Develop contract for student to be monitored with specific guidelines
Content Area(s): Science, Social Studies, Spanish

Teacher recommendation and final grades from previous year, discussed at end of year subject area meetings.


Throughout the year: Placements will be reviewed quarterly with input from teacher, parent, student, and student performance.

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Academic Intervention Services (AIS) Placement/Exit Criteria Grades 10-12

Content Area: ELA

Based on Final Exam and Final Course Grade in previous English Course or CST referral for AIS

ELA grade 10 & 11
Final Exam below 65 or Final Course Grade below 70 or CST referral → AIS class that provides additional instruction every other day during the semester ELA is scheduled.

ELA grade 12
ELA Regents Exam below 65 or CST referral → AIS class that provides additional instruction 1x in 4-day cycle.


Throughout the semester based on AIS Teacher recommendation.

End of year: AIS Teacher recommendation and CST recommendation.

Content Area: Social Studies

Based on Final Exam and Final Course Grade in previous Social Studies Course or CST referral for AIS

Global History 2
Final Global History 1 Exam below 65 or Final Course Grade below 70 or CST referral →  AIS class that provides additional instruction every other day during the semester Global History 2 is scheduled.

US History
Regents Global History Exam below 65 or Final Course Grade below 70 or CST referral → AIS class that provides additional instruction every other day during the semester US History is scheduled.

Government and Economics
CST Referral for AIS → AIS class that provides additional instruction 1x in 4-day cycle.


Throughout the semester based on AIS Teacher recommendation.

End of year: AIS Teacher recommendation and CST recommendation.

Content Area: Living Environment

Based on Earth Science Regents Exam and Final Course Grade

Regents Earth Science Exam below 65 or Earth Science Final Course Grade below 65 → AIS class that provides additional instruction 1x in 4-day cycle the semester Living Environment is scheduled.


Throughout the semester based on AIS Teacher recommendation.

Content Area: Math (Algebra)

All students in Algebra Part 1 AIS receive push-in services from a certified teacher at a minimum of every other day.


End of semester upon passing the course.

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AIS: Questions and Answers