SENIOR High School Counseling
- Advanced Placement
- Computer Applications Proficiency Exam
- Counseling Calendar
- Course Catalog & School Profile
- Earn College Credit
- Forms and Documents
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Schedule Format
Please contact any of the counselors listed below if you have questions about Counseling Department services. If we are not immediately available, the secretaries will be glad to take a message, or you can leave a message via voicemail or email.
Ms. Erika von Schiller-Deep, Department Chair & School Counselor

Students Assigned:
Class of 2025 – 2026
Letters H – M
Class of 2027
Letters K – Mr
Phone: (315) 624-1270
Mr. Jim Lutz, School Counselor

Students Assigned:
Class of 2025 – 2026
Letters A – G
Class of 2027
Letters A – J
Phone: (315) 624-1205
Mr. Jay Baldo, School Counselor

Students Assigned:
Class of 2025 – 2026
Letters N – Z
Class of 2027
Letters Ms – Z
Phone: (315) 624-1217
Mrs. Trish Hoyer, Social Worker

Mr. Michael Scalzo, Social Worker

Phone: (315) 624-1261
Ms. Karen Suppa, Department Secretary
Phone: (315) 624-1238
College Admissions Representatives and Military Recruiters wishing to visit the senior high school should contact Ms. Suppa for an appointment.
High School Links
Welcome to the High School Counseling Department!
Your time at the Senior High School will present you with many exciting opportunities! Our Counseling and Guidance Department consists of three certified school counselors. We welcome students, parents and faculty to access the services and resources provided by our department.
Our counselors have a great deal of information to share with you. Visit the Course Catalog & School Profile Google Site to access the following:
- Course catalog
- Course registration information
- BOCES Career and Technical Education (CTE) information, application and supply list
- BOCES New Visions information and application
- College bridging opportunities
- 5-credit sequence options
- School Profile
Alumni Transcript Request | Naviance | Course Level Changes | Preparing for Life After HS | Requirements for Graduation
Alumni Transcript Request
If you are a New Hartford Senior High School alumni in need of a high school transcript for college, employment, or other reasons, please complete the Alumni Transcript Request Google Form. Transcripts are sent out daily when school is in session and on a weekly basis during the summer.
If you are a current student, please see your school counselor or make a request for college through Naviance.
Course Level Changes
Students are encouraged to enroll in challenging classes. There may be times that students enroll in a higher-level course and find that the course is more than they can successfully handle at that time. In these cases, students are encouraged to consider making a “level change” in the course. Such changes need to be made early in the semester so that the student does not miss a significant portion of instruction in the new course.
When a student makes a level change, grades from the course the student is leaving will not be used in the new course due to the difference in material. However, some back work may need to be completed in the course the student is joining, depending upon when the change is made and the topics that have been covered prior to the student’s entrance. The student and teacher must meet to establish the deadline for completion of any back work.
The New Hartford Senior High School Counseling and Guidance Department utilizes Naviance, an internet based software program to help students gain valuable insight into the college admissions process through a college search engine, scattergrams, college visit information, application statistics and much more
The integrated software allows the counselors to manage the college advising process and assist students with planning, preparation, and eventual enrollment in post-secondary institutions. Counselors can track student applications and teacher recommendations and send transcripts and teacher recommendations to colleges electronically, the preferred method by most colleges today.
Naviance works in conjunction with The Common App On-line, thereby allowing the electronic transfer of data to over 1200 colleges. Students are provided individual account access by the Counseling Department.
Preparing for Life After High School
Learn more about Preparing for Life After High School.
Learn more about the College Search Process.
Requirements for Graduation
Credit and state exam requirements for the three types of diplomas available at New Hartford Senior High School are outlined below. If you have any difficulty with accessing the below chart, please contact your guidance counselor.
Transcripts do not indicate which type of diploma was earned during a student’s time at New Hartford.
Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation | Regents Diploma * | Local Diploma * For students identified through the Committee on Special Education | |
English | 4 CREDITS ELA Regents (65+) | 4 CREDITS ELA Regents (65+) | 4 CREDITS ELA Regents (55+) |
Social Studies | 4 CREDITS Global History Regents (65+) ♦ US History Regents (65+) ♦ | 4 CREDITS Global History Regents (65+) ♦ US History Regents (65+) ♦ | 4 CREDITS Global History Regents (55+) ♦** US History Regents (55+) ♦** |
Math | 3 CREDITS ♦♦ Algebra Regents (65+) Geometry Regents (65+) Algebra 2 Regents (65+) | 3 CREDITS Algebra Regents (65+) | 3 CREDITS Algebra Regents (55+) |
Science | 3 CREDITS ♦♦ 2 Regents Exams 1 Physical Science 1 Life Science | 3 CREDITS 1 Physical Science 1 Life Science 1 Regent Exam (65+) | 3 CREDITS 1 Physical Science 1 Life Science 1 Regent Exam (55+) ** |
World Language | 3 CREDITS *** Check Point B Exam | 1 CREDIT | 1 CREDIT |
Art/Music | 1 CREDIT | 1 CREDIT | 1 CREDIT |
Health | ½ CREDIT | ½ CREDIT | ½ CREDIT |
Computer Applications | ½ CREDIT or pass the Computer Applications Proficiency Exam | ½ CREDIT or pass the Computer Applications Proficiency Exam | ½ CREDIT or pass the Computer Applications Proficiency Exam |
Physical Education | 2 CREDITS | 2 CREDITS | 2 CREDITS |
Electives | 1 CREDIT | 3 CREDITS | 3 CREDITS |
Total Credits | 22 | 22 | 22 |
* Students can earn either a Regents or Local Diploma through an “Appeal” by scoring 64-60 on 1 Regents Exam for a Regents Diploma or scoring 64-60 on 2 Regents Exam for a Local Diploma. Counselors will discuss this option with students should it be needed.
** For students with disabilities a score of 45-55 on a required Regents exam (EXCEPT ELA and Math) can be compensated by a score of 65+ on another required Regents exam. Students must achieve a score of 55+ on the ELA and Math Regents exams.
*** Students may substitute a 5-unit sequence in Art or Music for this requirement, in which case they will still need to earn a minimum 1 unit of credit in a foreign language. Please see your counselor if interested in pursuing this option.
♦ Starting in January 2015 students may use Pathways to Graduation. NYS Education Department has developed Pathway options in the areas of: Arts, CTE, Humanities, LOTE, and STEM. Should a student need to graduate using a Pathway, his/her counselor will work with the student to develop the appropriate plan for graduation.
♦♦ Students who first enter grade 9 in September 2009 and thereafter who complete all course work and testing requirements for the Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation, and who pass with a score of 85+ on all three Math Regents Exams and/or three Science Regents Exams will earn a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation, with an annotation on the diploma that denotes mastery in Math and/or Science, as applicable.
NYSED: NYS Translated Diploma and Graduation Resources
Computer Applications Proficiency Exam
In order to graduate from New Hartford Senior High School, all students must earn a half-credit for Computer Applications or demonstrate proficiency in computer application skills. Learn more here.