Home » New Hartford voters approve $64.4 million budget; elect two board members

New Hartford voters approve $64.4 million budget; elect two board members

On May 21, New Hartford Central School District voters approved the district’s $64,443,792 2024-25 budget proposal, approved the purchase of four new school buses and elected two board of education members.

The budget proposition passed with 71.8% voter approval; 1168 yes votes and 458 no votes.


The following results include absentee and early mail voting ballots.

More information about the propositions and board election is available on the Budget & Finance section of the district website.

School budget

A $64,443,792 budget for the 2024-25 school year that carries a 2.24% tax levy increase: 1168 yes; 458 no

School bus purchases

Purchase four new school buses at a total cost not to exceed $671,016: 1171 yes; 450 no

Board of education election

Five candidates sought election to two open board of education seats.

Andrew K. Ward: 614 votes
Robert J. Roberts III: 534 votes
Louis Shkane: 298 votes
Jeffrey P. Kolb: 683 votes
Kim Strong: 798 votes

The terms are five years and begin July 1.

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