Home » Superintendent addresses racist artwork at art show

Superintendent addresses racist artwork at art show

May 6, 2024

Dear New Hartford Central School District community,

On May 4, district administrators were made aware of student artwork that showed racist imagery and text that was on display at the annual district-wide art show.

District administration immediately began an investigation. It is disheartening that racist work was not only created, but then overlooked and allowed to be displayed.

The district has taken steps in recent years to promote a welcoming environment for everyone, this includes reviewing district-wide practices, ongoing professional learning and development, the formation of the Educational Equity Committee with representation from across the school community, and student-centered initiatives such as Elevating Student Voices. You can learn more about these initiatives by visiting the Educational Equity Committee section of our website.

Despite our efforts, it is clear that more work needs to be done to challenge and raise awareness about stereotypes, prejudices, and discrimination.

The student involved has been contacted, but due to student privacy, we cannot divulge specific details regarding the student and whether or not there were disciplinary consequences in accordance with the Code of Conduct. Administrators have also spoken with staff members responsible for the oversight of the artwork and we are using this as a teachable moment.

We understand that there are students, families, staff and community members who may not feel safe, accepted or welcome as a result of what transpired. Our school community deserves access to a supportive learning environment where everyone feels respected, included and safe. We have fallen short of that goal and we must do better. As a district, we will continue working to ensure all students and their families feel valued and it requires increased education, dialogue, and action from the entire school community.

Collaboration and open communication are essential as we move forward and I welcome anyone who has questions, concerns or comments to contact me at 315-624-1218 or ctangorra@nhart.org.


Cosimo Tangorra, Jr., Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools