Explanation of Results
May 24, 2021
Dear Parents, Guardians and Staff:
On September 6, 2016, Governor Cuomo signed legislation to test drinking water in New York State Schools for lead contamination. The new legislation requires all schools be tested every five years. The second round of testing by the district is due by June 30, 2021.
In compliance with the mandate, the district again collaborated with Oneida-Herkimer-Madison BOCES Safety Office to coordinate the lead testing service. The testing was conducted by Pace Analytical a fully accredited lead sampling lab.
The findings showed that thirteen(13) of the ninety-two (92) fixtures identified during the test had exceedances that were above the 15 ppb action level. Eleven (11) of the thirteen (13) fixtures were identified during the 2016 testing and remediated by shutting off or posting caution signs stating “Do Not Drink.” All in-service drinking fountains tested at safe levels.
Below is a list of all locations at Hughes Elementary School that were over the allowable limit:
Posted sign reading: “Caution Non-Potable Water, Do Not Drink” - RM 170 GIRL’S BATHROOM SINK 2 HE28
Posted sign reading: “Caution Non-Potable Water, Do Not Drink” - RM 168 COMPUTER LAB SINK HE39
Posted sign reading: “Caution Non-Potable Water, Do Not Drink” - RM 165 ART CLASSROOM SINK 6 HE47
Posted sign reading: “Caution Non-Potable Water, Do Not Drink” - RM 156 GIRL’S BATHROOM SINK2 HESS
Posted sign reading: “Caution Non-Potable Water, Do Not Drink” - RM 162A KITCHEN BATHROOM SINK HE70
Posted sign reading: “Caution Non-Potable Water, Do Not Drink” - RM 187 NURSE SINK HE77
Posted sign reading: “Caution Non-Potable Water, Do Not Drink” - RM 191 WOMEN’S BATHROOM SINK HE78
Posted sign reading: “Caution Non-Potable Water, Do Not Drink” - RM 194 PRINCIPLE BATHROOM SINK
Posted sign reading: “Caution Non-Potable Water, Do Not Drink” - RM 172 BOY’S LOCKER ROOM 2 SINKS HE84 AND HE85
Posted sign reading: “Caution Non-Potable Water, Do Not Drink” - RM174 BOY’S COACHES BATHROOM SINK .HE86
Posted sign reading: “Caution Non-Potable Water, Do Not Drink” - RM 176 GIRL’S LOCKER ROOM SINK 1 HE87
Posted sign reading: “Caution Non-Potable Water, Do Not Drink”
As part of the District’s remediation plan from previous and current testing, all drinking fixtures that tested above the action level were shut off. Also, signs were posted prohibiting the drinking of water at all other faucets/fixtures that were impacted by an elevated lead level. In addition, the District has added nineteen (19) filtered water bottle filling stations this year bringing us to a total of twenty-three (23) stations District wide.
Lead testing results will be posted on our website www.newhartfordschools.org by June 1, 2021. If you have any questions related to our lead testing results, please contact me at (315) 624-1233.
Marc D. Elefante
Director of Facilities II
Building: Hughes Elementary School
Lab: PACE Analytical
Method of Analysis: EPA Method 200.8
70169692001 | HE1 | 4/15/2021 | LIBRARY | BATHROOM SINK | INITIAL | <1.0 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692002 | HE2 | 4/15/2021 | LIBRARY | KITCHEN SINK | INITIAL | 2.5 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692003 | HE3 | 4/15/2021 | RM 116 | CLASSROOM SINK 1 | INITIAL | 1.5 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692004 | HE4 | 4/15/2021 | RM 116 | CLASSROOM SINK 2 | INITIAL | 4.9 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692005 | HE5 | 4/15/2021 | RM 116 | CLASSROOM SINK 3 | INITIAL | 1.9 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692006 | HE6 | 4/15/2021 | RM 116 | CLASSROOM SINK 4 | INITIAL | 21.5 | 4/16/2021 | SIGN POSTED HAND WASHING ONLY |
70169692007 | HE7 | 4/15/2021 | RM 110 | CLASSROOM SINK 1 | INITIAL | <1.0 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692008 | HE8 | 4/15/2021 | RM 110 | CLASSROOM SINK 2 | INITIAL | <1.0 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692009 | HE9 | 4/15/2021 | RM 110 | CLASSROOM SINK 3 | INITIAL | <1.0 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692010 | HE10 | 4/15/2021 | RM 110 | CLASSROOM SINK 4 | INITIAL | 1.7 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692011 | HE11 | 4/15/2021 | RM 122 | CLASSROOM SINK 1 | INITIAL | 9.4 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692012 | HE12 | 4/15/2021 | RM 122 | CLASSROOM SINK 2 | INITIAL | 4.2 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692013 | HE13 | 4/15/2021 | RM 122 | CLASSROOM SINK 3 | INITIAL | 1.5 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692014 | HE14 | 4/15/2021 | RM 122 | CLASSROOM SINK 4 | INITIAL | 1.3 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692015 | HE15 | 4/15/2021 | RM 115 | CLASSROOM SINK 1 | INITIAL | 2.5 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692016 | HE16 | 4/15/2021 | RM 115 | CLASSROOM SINK 2 | INITIAL | 2.1 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692017 | HE17 | 4/15/2021 | RM 115 | CLASSROOM SINK 3 | INITIAL | <1.0 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692018 | HE18 | 4/15/2021 | RM 115 | CLASSROOM SINK 4 | INITIAL | 1.3 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692019 | HE19 | 4/15/2021 | RM 125 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | <1.0 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692020 | HE20 | 4/15/2021 | RM 125 | DRINKING FOUNTAIN | INITIAL | <1.0 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692021 | HE21 | 4/15/2021 | RM 126 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 8.8 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692022 | HE22 | 4/15/2021 | RM 171 BOY’S BATH. | BATHROOM SINK 1 | INITIAL | 3.6 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692023 | HE23 | 4/15/2021 | RM 171 BOY’S BATH. | BATHROOM SINK 2 | INITIAL | 14.7 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692024 | HE24 | 4/15/2021 | RM 171 BOY’S BATH. | BATHROOM SINK 3 | INITIAL | 3.6 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692025 | HE25 | 4/15/2021 | CORR. 131 | DRINKING FOUNTAIN | INITIAL | <1.0 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692026 | HE26 | 4/15/2021 | RM 171A CUSTODIAL | CUSTODIAL SINK | INITIAL | 2.1 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692027 | HE27 | 4/15/2021 | RM 170 GIRL’S BATH. | BATHROOM SINK 1 | INITIAL | 2.2 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692028 | HE28 | 4/15/2021 | RM 170 GIRL’S BATH. | BATHROOM SINK 2 | INITIAL | 129 | 4/16/2021 | SIGN POSTED HAND WASHING ONLY |
70169692029 | HE29 | 4/15/2021 | RM 170 GIRL’S BATH. | BATHROOM SINK 3 | INITIAL | 1.6 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692030 | HE30 | 4/15/2021 | RM 140 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 7.1 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692031 | HE31 | 4/15/2021 | RM 141 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 3.5 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692032 | HE32 | 4/15/2021 | RM 139 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 3.8 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692033 | HE33 | 4/15/2021 | RM 136 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 5.9 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692034 | HE34 | 4/15/2021 | RM 137 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 3 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692035 | HE35 | 4/15/2021 | RM 135 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 7.2 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692036 | HE36 | 4/15/2021 | RM 134 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 4.1 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692037 | HE37 | 4/15/2021 | RM 132 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 12.1 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692038 | HE38 | 4/15/2021 | RM 133 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 6.2 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692039 | HE39 | 4/15/2021 | RM 168 COMP. LAB | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 24.7 | 4/16/2021 | SIGN POSTED HAND WASHING ONLY |
70169692040 | HE40 | 4/15/2021 | RM 166 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 3.8 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692041 | HE41 | 4/15/2021 | RM 166 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 2.7 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692042 | HE42 | 4/15/2021 | RM 165 ART | CLASSROOM SINK 1 | INITIAL | 10.9 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692043 | HE43 | 4/15/2021 | RM 165 ART | CLASSROOM SINK 2 | INITIAL | <1.0 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692044 | HE44 | 4/15/2021 | RM 165 ART | CLASSROOM SINK 3 | INITIAL | 12 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692045 | HE45 | 4/15/2021 | RM 165 ART | CLASSROOM SINK 4 | INITIAL | 4.3 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692046 | HE46 | 4/15/2021 | RM 165 ART | CLASSROOM SINK 5 | INITIAL | 1.1 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692047 | HE47 | 4/15/2021 | RM 165 ART | CLASSROOM SINK 6 | INITIAL | 20.6 | 4/16/2021 | SIGN POSTED HAND WASHING ONLY |
70169692048 | HE50 | 4/15/2021 | RM 157 BOY’S BATH. | BATHROOM SINK 1 | INITIAL | 2.2 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692049 | HE51 | 4/15/2021 | RM 157 BOY’S BATH. | BATHROOM SINK 2 | INITIAL | 9.9 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692050 | HE52 | 4/15/2021 | RM 157 BOY’S BATH. | BATHROOM SINK 3 | INITIAL | 2.5 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692051 | HE53 | 4/15/2021 | RM 155 CUSTODIAL | CUSTODIAL SINK | INITIAL | 1.5 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692052 | HE54 | 4/15/2021 | RM 156 GIRL’S BATH. | BATHROOM SINK 1 | INITIAL | 1.7 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692053 | HE55 | 4/15/2021 | RM 156 GIRL’S BATH. | BATHROOM SINK 2 | INITIAL | 59.1 | 4/16/2021 | SIGN POSTED HAND WASHING ONLY |
70169692054 | HE56 | 4/15/2021 | RM 156 GIRL’S BATH. | BATHROOM SINK 3 | INITIAL | 1.9 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692055 | HE57 | 4/15/2021 | RM 151 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 3 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692056 | HE58 | 4/15/2021 | RM 152 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 8.8 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692057 | HE59 | 4/15/2021 | RN 150 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 7.3 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692058 | HE60 | 4/15/2021 | RM 149 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 3.7 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692059 | HE61 | 4/15/2021 | RM 147 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 3.9 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692060 | HE62 | 4/15/2021 | RM 148 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 4 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692061 | HE63 | 4/15/2021 | RM 146 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 10.3 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692062 | HE64 | 4/15/2021 | RM 145 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 5.2 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692063 | HE65 | 4/15/2021 | RM 143 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 5 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692064 | HE66 | 4/15/2021 | RM 144 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 6.3 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692065 | HE67 | 4/15/2021 | RM 160 CUSTODIAL | BATHROOM SINK | INITIAL | 4.2 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692066 | HE68 | 4/15/2021 | RM 161 BOILER ROOM | CUSTODIAL SINK | INITIAL | 6.4 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692067 | HE69 | 4/15/2021 | RECEIVING ROOM | CUSTODIAL SINK | INITIAL | 1 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692068 | HE70 | 4/15/2021 | RM 162A BATHROOM | BATHROOM SINK | INITIAL | 23.7 | 4/16/2021 | SIGN POSTED HAND WASHING ONLY |
70169692069 | HE71 | 4/15/2021 | RM 183 KITCHEN | KITCHEN SINK 1 | INITIAL | 1.6 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692070 | HE72 | 4/15/2021 | RM 183 KITCHEN | KITCHEN SINK 2 | INITIAL | 2.9 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692071 | HE73 | 4/15/2021 | RM 184 CAFETERIA | KITCHEN SINK 2 | INITIAL | 2.6 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692072 | HE74 | 4/15/2021 | RM 184 CAFETERIA | KITCHEN SINK 2 | INITIAL | 3.9 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692073 | HE76 | 4/15/2021 | RM 186 NURSE | BATHROOM SINK | INITIAL | 11.4 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692074 | HE77 | 4/15/2021 | RM 187 NURSE | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 28.6 | 4/16/2021 | SIGN POSTED HAND WASHING ONLY |
70169692075 | HE78 | 4/15/2021 | RM 191 WOMEN’S | BATHROOM SINK 1 | INITIAL | 18.1 | 4/16/2021 | SIGN POSTED HAND WASHING ONLY |
70169692076 | HE79 | 4/15/2021 | RM 191 WOMEN’S | BATHROOM SINK 2 | INITIAL | 4.7 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692077 | HE80 | 4/15/2021 | RM 190 FACULTY | KITCHEN SINK | INITIAL | 1.4 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692078 | HE81 | 4/15/2021 | RM 192 BATH. | BATHROOM SINK | INITIAL | 2.1 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692079 | HE82 | 4/15/2021 | RM 193 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 5.1 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692080 | HE83 | 4/15/2021 | RM 194 PRINCIPLE | BATHROOM SINK | INITIAL | 42.6 | 4/16/2021 | SIGN POSTED HAND WASHING ONLY |
70169692081 | HE84 | 4/15/2021 | RM 172 BOY’S LOCKER | BATHROOM SINK 1 | INITIAL | 53.3 | 4/16/2021 | SIGN POSTED HAND WASHING ONLY |
70169692082 | HE85 | 4/15/2021 | RM 172 BOY’S LOCKER | BATHROOM SINK 2 | INITIAL | 20.1 | 4/16/2021 | SIGN POSTED HAND WASHING ONLY |
70169692083 | HE86 | 4/15/2021 | RM 174 COACH OFF. | BATHROOM SINK | INITIAL | 42.4 | 4/16/2021 | SIGN POSTED HAND WASHING ONLY |
70169692084 | HE87 | 4/15/2021 | RM 176 GIRL’S LOCKER | BATHROOM SINK 1 | INITIAL | 47.4 | 4/16/2021 | SIGN POSTED HAND WASHING ONLY |
70169692085 | HE88 | 4/15/2021 | RM 176 GIRL’S LOCKER | BATHROOM SINK 2 | INITIAL | 12.2 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692086 | HE89 | 4/15/2021 | RM 178 COACH OFF. | BATHROOM SINK | INITIAL | 5.4 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692087 | HE90 | 4/15/2021 | RM 138 | CLASSROOM SINK | INITIAL | 1.9 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692088 | HE91 | 4/15/2021 | LIBRARY | DRINKING FOUNTAIN | INITIAL | <1.0 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |
70169692089 | HE92 | 4/15/2021 | CUSTODIAL CLOSET | CUSTODIAL SINK | INITIAL | 1.4 | 4/16/2021 | N/A |